Chapter 472: Dragon Egg (1)

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They finally stop in front of an inconspicuous cave as the sky gradually darkens. They entered to check the cave first, and there’s nothing out of place; it’s just a small cave, and there are also traces of people staying here before.

Yu Yue casually set up an array, then she took out her bed, cooking utensils, and her bamboo hammock. She intends to stay in this place a little bit longer to consolidate her foundation and to look for the medicinal herbs she needs to repair Wuxian’s meridians.

The others were seriously cultivating inside the space, so she didn’t disturb them. Even her little pets were too busy cultivating, and ever since the incident with the fiery lizard, they never made a ruckus to play. That’s why she could only ask the two little munchkins to accompany her; otherwise,  she would be bored to death alone in the middle of an unknown forest.

“Mother, we would like to eat beast cores,” little Pie said. They use beast cores to replenish the energy in their core.

“I only have low-level ones here; I’ll get you higher-level ones tomorrow,” Yu Yue said as she gave them the beast cores.

“Hmm, that’s alright,” a little tear said coquettishly.

She then started cooking food. She bought some sea foods when she passed by the southern sea empire before, so she started grilling and making some stew.

While she was reading a book while waiting to fall asleep, there’s some movement inside the space, so you go inside to check.

“Yu yue, the little egg has shown some signs of cracking. It’s about to hatch,” Butler White said as he jumped around the dragon egg curiously.

“Oh, I thought there’s nothing inside,” Yu Yue said expressionlessly. If he hadn’t mentioned it, she might have already forgotten that Zhao Shen gave her the last dragon egg in the entire dragon continent, possibly.

The little egg started rolling around in the space, and a huge crack appeared. Then a white dragon with a foolish expression appeared, staring at her adorably.

The moment you saw it, she instantly liked it, so she couldn’t help but go to its side and poke its little head.

“Oh my, your scales are such a beautiful little egg," she couldn’t help but exclaim.

The little thing looked at her thoughtfully, and then it initiated making a contract with her. After the contract was successfully established, she heard a baby voice in her mind.

‘Master, I’m hungry’ little egg said as it looked around the space and ran towards her spirit fruits.

She didn’t stop it; she let it be. After a while, it went back to her side and sniffed her all over again.

‘what’s wrong? ’ yu yue asked little egg curiously.

‘Master, you smelled so delicious’ the little thing said with great difficulty as it salivated looking at her.

‘Oh, you want to eat fish,’ Yu Yue chuckled as she brought the little thing out, and it excitedly ate her left-overs. She couldn’t help but laugh at its foolish appearance as she started grilling meat for it.

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