Chapter 404: Change of Plans

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“Xing er, xing yi. Take xue’er and hua’er back; they have caused such a commotion. I bet the crown prince and the Liu clan should be on their toes. They are not in a good condition to continue their business here,” Yu Changlu ordered after checking their conditions.

“Mother, what do you mean?” Yu Yue was confused.

“That goes for you too, Yu Yue; pull out your forces in the imperial capital,” Ming Tai Yang sighed.

“Well, the shadow lord and several other powerful exponents were spotted in the capital. It’s currently chaotic there, so we should concentrate our forces immediately; our preparations are now complete. It’s time to raise the banner of war,” Yu Changlu simply said.

“Do you mean to take over the entire northern region?” Master Xun was stunned as he went to them.

“That’s the best outcome,” Yu Changlu sighed.

“Master Xun, how long has it been?” Ming Tai Yang and Yu Changlu both saluted.

“Quite long indeed,” Master Xun massaged his beard after giving Ming Zi Mo to Yu Yue.

“Master Xun, perfect timing. We should discuss something; I believed the academy and the hidden clans wouldn’t stand idly by.” Yu Changlu smiled slightly as she eyed several youths.

“Very well, this is a crucial matter, and I can represent the academy.” Master Xun nodded in agreement.

“Master Xun, how about the dragon academy’s competition?” Lang Shen asked.

“I’m afraid we shouldn’t participate this time; it’s imperative to secure our foothold in our own region first, or else we won’t even have a place to fight for.” Master Xun narrowed his eyes.

“Mo fei zuan and xiu meimei, return to the academy immediately and relay the message,” master Xun ordered the two.

“Yes, master Xun.” They both understand the urgency, so they quickly use a teleportation talisman to return.

“You all, if you can represent your clans, then come with us. If not, you can just listen and relay the message.” Master Xun eyed them, and they all silently nodded in agreement.

“That settles it,” Ming Tai Yang said as he invited everyone. Leaving the daze, Li Haoran

They were in a hurry, so they didn’t have time to talk about what just happened.

“Aren’t you participating, young master Li?” Lang Hei looked back and reminded him.

“Ahhh, yes.” Li Haoran was taken aback, but he quickly recalled himself and followed the rest.

Yu Yue couldn’t help but look at Li Haoran’s face and her little nephew; her eyes flashed as she guessed something, but she didn’t bother about it for now.

Li Haoran also looks at Yu Yue and the little guy she’s carrying, who looks exactly like him.

“Uncle Xing He, I’ll leave him to you. Please don’t let him out of your sight. I have some matters to attend to.” Yu Yue emphasized that second sentence, allowing Li Haoran to hear it loud and clear, making his face unable to be painted.

Hearing Yu Yue’s words, several figures paused. Yu changlu looked at Yu Yue approvingly, saying, Heh, count your good days! She could barely hide her venemous eyes. She didn’t know what exactly happened, but just based on the fact that he wasn’t by his son’s side all these years, she already hates him to the sky.

Ming tai yang’s figure stiffened; thankfully, Yu Changlu was quick to react and put him to sleep.

“Not now were the last words he heard.

“...” everyone.

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