Chapter 403: Li Haoran (3)

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Ming Yu Hua was forbidden to use her zither; she would only use it as a last resort. It’s a demonic zither, and its spirit will take control of her emotions to destroy everything. She can’t control it yet despite already being that strong; that’s why Yu Changlu never allowed her to use it.

“It’s hard even for young master Li; if I’m not mistaken, the city lord’s zither targets the mind while the twin sister targets the soul. Those strings like tentacles are difficult to deal with, plus the spirit attacks conjured from the zither.” Lang Hei tilted his head thoughtfully.

“But we can’t just watch young master Li like this, or else the hidden clans would be in turmoil; we all know their clan's significant position.” Yiing Yue spoke lightly for the first time.

“Right, but...” Han yun sighed.

“How are Li Shan Yu and Li Shen Yu doing?” Feng Miran asked.

“They’re safe, just unconscious,” Han Yin replied.

While they were still deliberating what to do, little Zi Mo finally woke up after all the cooing and cried loudly.

“Wahhhhh-wahhhhh-wahhh!” The loud crying brought Ming Yu Xue back to her senses. She managed to stop as she looked in her son's direction. Though her emotions were in sync with Ming Yu Hua, she kept her rationality and changed her rhythm to counter her.

“What’s wrong? Didn’t you want to kill that guy, my dear sister? I’m just helping you fulfill your wishes, hahaha.” Ming Yu Hua smiled maliciously as she started attacking Ming Yu Xue instead.

“That’s enough; you need to stop already.” Ming Yu Xue gnashed her teeth. It’s really troublesome to deal with these demonic zithers.

“You started it, now you want me to stop? Dream on, I’m not getting sealed again,” the demonic zither hissed, trying to totally overpower Ming Yu Hua’s consciousness.

“Ahhh!” Ming Yu Xue was slapped to the ground, and her strings broke.

“Not on my watch, you nasty thing,” Yu Changlu’s voice reverberated as the mellowed and refreshing sound of the zither like a spring echoed throughout the city.

“Mother, that thing is much stronger this time. I can’t help you seal it this time; I can’t play anymore.” She coughed up some blood.

“Leave it to me.” Yu Yue also felt the commotion, so she immediately returned, just in time. She was shocked to know that Ming Yu Hua also played the zither, and she’s much scarier than Ming Yu Xue.

“Hmm, what can you do, little girl? Hahaha, you’re funny,” the demonic zither mocked Yu Yue as it fought back with Yu Changlu.

“You will see,” Yu Yue smirked as she pulled her snow feather zither.

She followed her mother’s lead and started playing. She incorporated her light element with her sound attacks, and not long after, the demonic zither lost its arrogant laugh as pain started hammering its head. She was forced to go back to the zither and leave Ming Yu Hua’s body.

“Ahhhh, you little girl. I’ll kill you first the next time we meet,” the demonic zither screamed shrilly as a last attempt to spout threatening words.

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