Chapter 507: Drag into dirty waters (1)

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Yu Yue’s mind buzzed as she thought of ways to get out of this continent without getting married. She then remembered the traitorous bunny, so she called him out and rubbed his white fur angrily.

“You heartless little thing, it was your idea, and now I’m stuck with a scoundrel. You even left me to fall for death,” she gritted her teeth as she kissed him all over.

Butler White hated it the most, so he was almost half dead as he couldn’t escape Yu Yue’s frenzied attacks.

The four other little things covered their eyes, pretending to be blind and deaf, and they seriously munched the fruit pills.

Seeing such a crazy scene, Bao Bao, the silver-eyed cat, jumped to the roof of the carriage as his fur stood on its ends. He didn’t want to be the next target, but before he left, he didn’t forget to carry a jar of fruit pills.

“Ah, you heartless woman! Get off of me!” Butler White screamed, making all the people outside look at the carriage suspiciously.

“Hmmp, it’s fine if we get stuck here, but you actually left me alone. You’re the heartless one,” Yu Yue said as she kissed, hugged, and rubbed him all over.

“Ah, I didn’t mean it,” Butler White’s ears drooped down guiltily.

“Hmmp, now you know,” Yu Yue snorted as she just hugged him and didn’t let him go.

“What are you doing? "Bai Chen Yu couldn’t help but ask inquisitively as he could hear bickering inside the carriage. He couldn’t tell what’s happening inside the carriage as his senses were blocked by something.

“None of your business,” Yu Yue snorted as she alighted the carriage carrying a white bunny. The carriage stopped as it was already getting dark outside.

After she went out, four little things followed her as they surrounded her expectantly.

“Bai he, what do they want from you? "Bai Hu whispered carefully as he looked at the cute pets; this is the first time they came out of the carriage after catching up with Bai Hu, so he was curious.

“They want to be fed,"  he said as he skillfully took out jars of fruit pills.

“Eh, that looks delicious,” Bai Hu gulped down as he picked one curiously.

“It is; you can try some,"  he whispered as he looked around. Seeing that no one paid them any attention, they sneakily ate some.

“Woah, it’s really good,” Bai Hu nodded in approval as he instantly felt energized.

“Yeah, right,” Bai said as he fed the four fat things.

“No wonder they are so fat,” Bai Hu said as he was about to touch them; however, his words just offended the four of them, so they didn’t accept the pills he handed, and they all turned their buttocks away from him and looked at Bai Hu instead.

“Don’t call them that; they will throw tantrums,” Bai said, shrugging his shoulders speechlessly.

Seeing such a scene, Bao Bao looked at Bai Chen Yu meaningfully as he jumped into his lap and took out a jar of fruit pills.

“Meow,” he meowed as he pushed the jar.

“what? You really easily learned bad habits, huh?” His expression darkened, but he still took the jar and fed him leisurely.

On this continent, aside from his master, only this little thing dared to order him around.

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