Chapter 570: (3)

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“what nonsense! My father simply has eyes for danger. Besides, you all came here aware of the dangers. Now you’re blaming us just because you encountered it,” Song Qian Er said angrily. She was such a feisty and honest young lady. She can’t stand the injustice at all, which makes her get into trouble most of the time. Her personality is what makes you like her.

The cursing people were speechless as they were scolded by a young girl until their cheeks burned brightly.

The matter stopped there as they all went back to sleep and waited for the sun to rise.

Although they were already at the location, they still needed to move further inside. After the glowing flowers, they finally encountered some spirit beasts.

Not long later, they arrived at the bottom of the cliff, where there was a sealed entrance.

They were all crowded at the entrance, trying to get inside, but Yu Yue couldn’t be bothered as she chose to stay in her tent.

“Yu yue, aren’t you going to take a look? "Song Qian Er asked as she entered her tent and found her reading some prescriptions.

“They still can’t get inside? ”She raised her brows thoughtfully.

“Yeah, my father says that the entrance was completely sealed; not even a fly could enter,” Qian Er said.

“Why don’t we take a look? ”Yu yue said as she stood up; she was a little curious about it. Besides, the Yu clan was already here. Yuhanyi was with them.

“Okay, you might be able to find a way,” said Qian Er.

“Who knows?” Yu Yue chuckled as the two of them went to the entrance.

“You’re here,” Yu Hanyi said as he was busy fiddling with the array.

“Yeah, how was it? ”She asked as she looked at the entrance. It looks like a gate with magnificent pillars. Aside from the array protecting it, she could tell there were mechanisms in place as well.

“We can’t break the array at all, although it’s already grown weak since long ago,” he replied with afrown.

“Let me try,” Yu Yue said as she also carefully took a look. She fiddled with the array here and there, and then, with a click, it shattered.

“Woah, you’re really a genius,” Qian Er said, clasping her hands in awe. The array masters who came were also shocked; they work together all day, and they couldn’t compare to a little girl at all.

It was an ancient array, and she just so happened to study this kind of array before, so she was able to break it by modifying it, as they can’t use brute force to pry it open.

When the array finally broke, some people couldn’t wait but rushed in.

“Arrhhhhhgg!” they all screamed as they triggered the mechanisms, and soon they could no longer detect their presence.

“Big brother, there are mechanisms in place in this place,” she reminded.

Everyone heard her words, so they entered cautiously. The Yu clan and the Song clan didn’t enter yet; they weren’t in a hurry as they studied the place first.

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