CHAPTER 515: visiting a brothel (3)

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“You also mentioned that the suitor's background isn’t simple, so what’s the difference? ”Xiaowanwan closed her eyes as she accepted her fate.

“He will make a difference,” Yu Hyue kindly pointed out to the quiet Bai Chen Yu.

“Alright, I’m willing to make a bet,” Xiaowanwan smiled bitterly. She didn’t know who this man was, but she’s still willing to take the bait; at most, she will have the same ending.

“Great, where’s the proprietress? ”Yu yue asked as she clapped her hands.

“I’ll call her over,” Xiang Wanwan said as she stood up.

Not long after, the proprietress came with a business-minded smile.

“This young miss wants to redeem our wan’er? ”She looked at Yu Yue smilingly; she ignored Bai Chen Yue as his aura was too cold.

“Hehe, how much? ”Yu yue’s eyes flashed.

“Fifteen thousand spirit coins,” the proprietress said, spreading her fingers.

“Oh, that’s too much,” Yu Yue exclaimed as she acted regretfully.

“Well, our wan'er was originally a noble lady, so her price isn’t cheap,” the proprietress also pretended to be regretful.

“Oh, that’s why, but madam, did you know...” Yu Yue smiled mysteriously.

“Please enlighten me, young Miss,” the madam was intrigued.

“Last night, your wan’er accidentally killed a customer, but he didn’t die. I bet after he recuperated, he would head straight here. Also, he seems to have an exceptional background. "You smiled cunningly as she pretended to whisper something to the madam.

“Is that true? ”The madam looked at Xiaowanwan sharply.

“Yes, madam,” Xiang Wanwan admitted guiltily.

“Who was it? ”The madam was at a loss.

“County Xiao’s third young master,” Xiaowanwan said in a small voice.

“y-you did it? ”The madam staggered, her hands pointing at Xiaowanwan, trembling, and she almost fainted on the spot.

“Why don’t you give Mis Wan'er to me for five thousand spirit coins so you can rid yourself of trouble, madam? ”Yu yue beamed," she offered.

“Alright, I’ll handle it immediately,” the madam suddenly felt like a golden hand extended to her as she quickly processed the papers and took the money, afraid that you would take back her words.

She was still kind, as she gave Xiang Wanwan half of the money, which shocked Yu Yue. She didn't think highly of this madam before, as she appeared to be a profiteer, and she quickly agreed to give Wanwan away.

“Why did she agree to sell you when she still cares about your well-being? ”Yu yue asked in puzzlement.

“She agreed because she’s betting you could protect me; she’s actually really kind compared to other proprietors.” Xiaowanwan smiled sadly as she left the place right after; it would be a lie to say that she wasn’t a little hesitant.

“Ah, now I feel bad for cheating her,” Yu Yue shrugged her shoulders as she looked at the lively brothel.

“Where are you going next? "Bai Chen Yu asked.

“I need maid servants; I have too many children to take care of,” Yu sighed as she muttered.

“Master, would you like contractual or slaves? "Xiang Wanwan asked carefully.

“I might stay here for a long so let’s have some slaves,” you said thoughtfully.

“Alright, would you like ones with talents? ”She asked once again; she seemed to know more about this stuff, so you asked for her opinion.

“It's better if they’re talented, but it's also fine if they aren't,” Yu Yue said carelessly.

“Alright, follow me, master; I know a place,” she said after considering Yu Yue’s requirements.

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