Chapter 416: Shame has no bounds (1)

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"Boy, I know what you're up to. I've heard what you did to the first princess, and that warrants your death sentence." The other Shui Xian Zi laughed maliciously as the blue crystal appeared in her hands.

Li Haoran was quiet as he was even more onfused.

"Ahh, I haven't killed anyone for long. I should play with you to exercise my stiff muscles." The other zi'er sighed excitedly. She bit her fingers, and a drop of blood fell to the blue crystal, which instantly turned red.

"Blood rain," she murmured as it started raining red, sticky metallic liquid, which is real blood.

"Ahh, it's actually real blood," the qilin said.

"Now you two can go to hell; that little guy could have this stupid qilin, but no one can do it." The other zi'er sighed full of regret.

Just as the red blood formed a spear and was about to hit Li Haoran, a white dove appeared, and it instantly sealed Shui Xian Zi.

"You're actually blessed by the holy god." Shui Xian Zi was stunned. It didn't harm her, but it sealed her back and stopped her attacks.

Li Haoran was also stunned; this is the second time he has seen this white dove. He never knew what it was until now.

"Cracked! Cracked!" As the domain cracked, they were all back in the main hall.

"First princess, don't touch that guy. He's blessed by the holy god." Shui Xian Zi managed to warn Ming Yu Xue before she lost her consciousness.

She really had the idea to finish that guy the moment he appeared.

"Throw him out," she gnashed her teeth as it took all of her rationality to let him go.

"Yes, master," the guards bowed as they did as she said.

The maids also hurried to help the two.

Yu Yue saw it through Little Tear's mirrors, so she sent Shan Shan and Huang Jian instead. She also thinks Ming Yu Xue is not really in a good state, but she couldn't possibly keep her out of it as she has the most steam to vent. So she can only support her by sending more people to her side.

Shui xian zi was sent back to the Jade Moon Fortress since Du Hua and Qing Yu will be sent to the field. As for Cheng Shi, he remained in Medicine City to learn tactical deployment.

As for Li Haoran, when he found out, they wouldn't attack him anymore. He would shamelessly try to talk to Ming Yu Xue. It was indeed true that shamelessness knows no bounds.

Whatever he does, though, only ends up angering her; despite staying in Medicine City for a few days already, he still hasn't caught a glimpse of his son.

The battle just a few kilometers from the fortress was still going. They were prepared with traps in advance, so they didn't suffer severe casualties. On the other hand, Liu Yi's face couldn't be painted anymore.

She's really starting to get impatient, so she decided to send their elite troops to sneak in tonight. She's been sending a lot of people these days, but none of them managed to even get close to the fortress, let alone catch a glimpse of Ming Yu Xue's son.

But she's confident in the plan she's come up with this time.

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