Chapter 469: Ascension (1)

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Yu Yue has no idea what’s happening on their side.

“Hehe, I can finally come out without so much trouble,” the other princess sighed, her eyes filled with bloodlust.

“tch! This is really inconvenient; even though I’m absorbing tainted souls, I’m still suffering the backlash,” Lady Shan Shou said gloomily.

“Hehe, and you can only devour souls to become stronger. Haha, we are the most heinous people to begin with, so it's not surprising we were punished severely,” Wang Ling reminded.

“Well, the master originally put a restriction on us so we could only do good things,” Hong Mei smiled.

“I’ve been doing good since I reincarnated, but how did I end up? Thankfully, I will meet the master soon,” lady Shan Shuo snorted. Fate is really ridiculous.

“Didn’t we all experience the same?” Molling chuckled.

“The gods really hate us so much,” Wang Ling sighed dramatically. If they weren’t around anyone, they weren’t hiding their real selves.

“Hehe, Hua Ling, don’t awaken my dear Shan'er and little Cheng Shi. Let’s keep them out of this so they can stay with the master longer.” Lady Shan Shou touched her face gently, but her voice carried power. Even they can’t escape her control. She’s a queen from her previous life who manipulates her way to power, so her words carried weight that they couldn’t ignore.

“It’s enough to have ten of us,” Hua Ling said lightly, but her voice sounds really colder than it originally was. It’s because, aside from her lifespan, she would gradually lose her emotions and  become a cold-blooded berserker. She’s a true berserker.

“It’s a pity we weren’t able to finish that traitor; it's an embarrassment how we all died just like that in the celestial region,” Huang Xin scoffed.

“We will have many chances in the future,” Huang Jian said with a small smile.

They didn’t know, though, that while they were talking like that, a black ant was hiding in a corner, and Shan Shan heard everything. Among the twelve celestial guardians, only Cheng Shi remains pure in this lifetime, as he never really uses his celestial armament because Little Pumpkin was too strong.

Zhao Shen looked at them; her hair stood on their ends. Even though she would show their true colors occasionally, she still felt scared deep inside.Each of them was crazier and crueler than the others. She could feel it even though she hadn’t personally seen them do so, but she saw it in the memories of the previous celestial guardian.

She also knows that they didn’t hate the goddess of light because they actually liked and accepted the changes brought to them as they followed her. They actually become strong under her guidance, but the gods envy the goddess of light and fear her even more when they are around, so the gods decided to demote her as punishment for colluding with evil beings. Making sure she never returned to the god realm ever again.

They were hopeless criminals and deemed the twelve disasters, cruel and evil creatures in their past lives. The goddess of light spared them in exchange; they were cursed, and every time they used their power, they would suffer the backlash until they met their end.

Because of her grace, the goddess of light was demoted to become a normal person, and they served her reincarnation after reincarnation. They blamed themselves for what happened to her and swore to the heavens that they would help her become a goddess again, and this is their chance since she finally has her power of light back and her soul is finally complete after millennia of waiting.

In this world, they will only follow the goddess of light and willingly die for her. They didn’t mind sacrificing themselves as long as she could return to the place where she belonged.

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