Chapter 506: Marry Me (3)

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“If you want to meet an immortal, marry me, then I’ll bring you to see my master,” Bai Chen Yu said with his expression not changing, his tone even sounding reluctant as though it were Yu Yue’s honor.

“Yu” Yue had a stunned look, as though she were hit by lightning.

“...” he staggered with a blank look.

“The  bandits almost forgot to beg.

“...” the cavalry, they almost drop from their horses.

With the shocking turn of events, everyone looks at Bai Chen Yu foolishly.

“What are you saying? ’ yu yue looked at him like she was looking at an idiot.

“Marry me,” he repeated coldly while enunciating his words clearly.

“no! ”You said it without even thinking.

“Then forget about leaving this place,” he said bluntly.

“Other conditions are fine,” you quibbled.

“No, just marry me,” he insisted.

“I can't,” Yu Yue gnashed her teeth.

“Then stay here forever,” he said as he was about to leave.

“I’ll consider it okay! ’ yu yue block his way as she said word for word through gritted teeth.

“Three months,” he said with a wicked smile.

“w-what? ”You stared at him blankly.

“To consider, then we will get married,” he said with a smirk.

“what! How about engagement? "She gritted her teeth patiently, as he was her only out.

“We’re engaged starting today,” he said as though he were looking at a fool.

“Ah, huh.” Yu Yue’s mind was blank. Where’s the logic in this world?

“Bai  he and the cavalry.

“...” the bandits. Ah, tell them, who was the bandit? Who? Who was it? They were simply too embarrassed to call themselves bandits before this man; they couldn’t compare to this guy at all.

Before, the bandits looked at him fearfully; now they look at him like a god, as they admire his decisiveness and skills.

“Fine, I’ll consider it for two months,” Yu Yue said after trying hard to suppress her anger. She agreed on the surface, but deep inside, she’s planning her escape route.

Even if she marries him, she can just hide in the space forever until she can escape back home.

“Great, since we just got engaged, it would be too inauspicious to have blood today, so I’ll spare their lives. If you go back on your words,” he said, full of warning, as he made a throat-slitting sign, scaring the bandits as they cried in unison, begging her to marry this terrifying man.

“She  kind of regretted saving these pig heads.

Could she take back her words? Or should she kill them herself?

After her power of light grows, she can naturally tell who is a good person. She could tell these groups of bandits weren’t that rotten. She could tell based on experience, as they only asked for her valuables, but they didn’t really try to kill her as best they could.

With her strength, she could casually cancel contracts, see the taints in souls, and read minds effortlessly. She’s already a divine sage right now.

After the shocking turn of events, she fed the bandits slowly acting poison one by one. Who could tell if they wouldn’t go against her if the scoundrel wasn’t around?

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