Chapter 573: (3)

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Just as you thought, when you beat those people, the leader of the first group spoke.

“Young master yu, hand over the things or else don’t blame us for being impolite,” the middle-aged man spoke. They were from the same sect who beat up Song Qian Er before.

Their sects were always at odds with each other.

“Hmmp, second elder, have you ever thought of how shameless you are? "Yu Hanyi said coldly.

“It seems like you won’t hand it over obediently; how about I kill this woman first? Even so, it’s still easy for me to finish you off once you get out of the barier,” the second elder said sinisterly as his men surrounded Yue and the others.

“you dare! "Yu Hanyi said ferociously.

“Then hand it over to me, nothing less, nothing more,” the second elder smiled.

“Then go get it yourself,” Yu Hanyi gnashed his teeth as he put the sword and the cultivation manual back to the jade coffin without hesitation.

The second elder didn’t say anything as he signaled to his people to pick it up.

Yu Hanyi went out and stood beside Yu Yue protectively.

“Big brother, do you like that sword? ”You asked with a calm smile.

“What’s the point of liking it? "Yu Hanyi said in a small voice.

“Hehe, I’ll get it for you. Anyways, that old thing won’t let us off easily,” Yu Yue said as she looked at the second elder, who heard their conversation, and his face darkened.

“Heh, for one thing, you’re right. I won’t let you off easily; I can’t afford the Yu clan going after me, so I’ll just kill everyone here,” he laughed as he received the sword with excitement in his face.

“That is, if you have the ability.” Yu Yue also laughed as she kept fanning herself, which is weird since it wasn’t hot in this place.

“Leave none alive,” he ordered maliciously. He has more people on his side, and they weren’t beaten up, unlike the Yu clansmen.

“Do the same,” you say, looking at Xiaowanwan and the others with a beautiful smile. She had already scattered poison in the air when Yuhnayi touched the sword. She was just delaying for it to take effect, and now’s just about the time.

“Hmmp, how arrogant. Let’s see if you have the ability,” the second elder said disdainfully, but soon his expression changed when he noticed his cultivation rapidly dropping to a lower level.

“Big brother, you guys sit there and relax,” Yu Yue pointed to a corner as he waved the celestial fan, and the space was suddenly filled with snow. Countless needle-like icicles formed and started raining at the second elder.

Yun Li spread her black wings as her blade legs slashed wantonly. Yun Chun jumped and directly faced the second elder; her double-ended sword twirled around skillfully.

Yun Tao, Yun An, and Yun Zhi dealt with the disciples, while Xiao Wanwan stayed by Yu Yue’s side closely. The two of them work perfectly in a synchronized manner; Xiang Wanwan won’t allow anyone to step close to her with her whip blade dancing around like a snake, and Yu Yue keeps hurling icicles and windblades nonstop.

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