Chapter 504: Marry me! (1)

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While Yu Yue’s carriage was driving so slowly, they were spotted by a group of bandits, and seeing how luxurious her carriage was, they were instantly delighted.

They were waiting in this area because there are too many nobles going to the temple to pray lately, and most of them were young ladies. Even so, they were taking powerful guards with them, and this is the first time ever that a young lady only has a coach with her, so it’s definitely an easy target.

Yu Yue was filled with thoughts when the carriage suddenly stopped, and she then heard an arrogant voice.

“Yo, hand over your money and valuables,” the leader said as they blocked the way. His blade was on his shoulders as he chewed on a dried stalk of grass. Overall, he looks like a typical bandit.

“What if I won’t? ”Bai, he snorted in disdain.

“Then don’t blame us for being impolite. Brothers attack! ”He sneered as he ordered his people, and soon he was engaged in a fight with them.

“Miss, stay in the carriage; I’ll deal with them,"  he said anxiously as he jumped down, not staying away from the carriage.

“Let me lend you a hand,” Yu Yue said with a sighed as she went down with a roll of her eyes.

“Oh, okay, just stay close to me,” Bai said. He thought it wouldn’t make a difference, but at least they can easily escape together if she stays close to him.

“Why do I always meet bandits? Their lines are also just the same, and they act the same even here,” you muttered, complaining.

Bai looks at her carriage, which screams, ‘I’m rich. Rob me.’ Then she looks at her blankly.

Yu Yue pretended not to understand as she took her white ice sword. This time she was much better at it compared to the last time she fought with Princess Jing.

“Oh, they have some talent,” Yu Yue narrowed her eyes when she realized that they weren’t just for show at all. She took a step back until she was back to back with Bai He.

“Hmmp, surrender or die? ”The leader smiled triumphantly, seeing that they were already cornered.

“Boss, give us a minute to decide first,” you said cunningly. She could only resort to such things because he was undoubtedly strong, but this group of people were quite skilled and had high cultivation, so they were at a disadvantage with numbers.

“Hmmp, even if you delayed for half a day, no one will save you today since there was a flood ahead, so no one passes here until the flood stops,” the boss mocks her, but he also humors whatever nonsense she’s up to.

“Miss, what are you up to? ”Bai? he asked suspiciously.

“I was just hoping if you have some flare,” you said, looking at him with cunning eyes.

“Yeah, but if we sent the signal, they would finish immediately before my master could save us,” he said with a bitter expression.

“Don’t worry about it; I have a way to deal with them, so just send the signal.” Yu Yue patted his shoulder as they turned around to face the group of bandits.

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