Chapter 442: Heart Pearl Fruit (2)

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Majesty also jumps to the wooden stool opposite him like an obedient child and asks to be fed as well. He shrunk into the size of a cat so he could move around Yu Yue’s lounge area. They were close with Zhuang Lan and the others inside the space to begin with, and it could be felt that Yu Yue was a little busy drawing a map.

When the others saw this, they almost staggered. She’s the only person who could pamper her spirit pets to this extent. Their minds even buzzed seeing a sensible elephant with a golden duoduo and a white bunny with a red ribbon tied to its neck.

They also look at the two yin-yang bears running around Little Hong Chen with a golden muslin scarf, and they choke. Just the fabric alone costs thousands of high-grade crystals.

Yu Yue could feel odd gazes on her, so she paused, the tip of her ink brush stopping, before glossing over the yellow paper.

“what? ”She raised her brows dumbly.

“Ah, nothing; it’s just... is it good for them to eat so many pills like this? "Han Yin said wryly as her hearts melted seeing the two adorable guys eating leisurely.

“Mmm, it’s not harmful, and it’s good for them. I have more here; you can give it to your contract beasts as well,” she nodded as she stopped what she’s doing and casually took out bottles of pills and gave them to everyone.

“Uhm, are you sure? I don’t have so much money with me,” Han Yin trembled. She could feel her contract beast getting excited.

“Not for sale; I can just make more while practicing,” she shrugged as she went out and took out her cooking tools.

“This... well, if we have good things in the future, we will give them to you,” one of the students said shyly as he accepted the bottle of pills. His contract beast is also getting worked up.

“Since you’re all too tired, let me cook for today. Just sit over there and wait for dinner and eat this first to replenish your energies,” she smiled leisurely at everyone, then started cooking leisurely after giving them spirit fruits. She has so many inside the space that she might not be able to finish it within ten years, so she didn’t mind giving more.

“Is it really okay for us? "Xi Huang was stupefied as she looked at Zhuang Lan tentatively.

“Yeah, we’re considered to have grown up with her, and that’s just normal for her.” Zhuang Lan just smiled helplessly.

“But won’t this attract trouble for her? "Chen Si asked doubtfully.

“Well, she has a good judgement of people,” Zhuang Lan racked his brain and could only say.

“Well, that’s true; besides, she’s kind if one deserves her kindness and merciless if one needs to be,” Yue’s lips curled slightly.

“I say, I still envy her spirit pets. They enjoyed such a good life every day.” Xi Huang sighed. “Plus, they were too pleasing to the eye; they’re quite fashionable and elegant as well.” Xi Huang sighed again as he complimented the haughty little guys.

“Well, Yu Yue personally taught them some etiquette, and they were always taken care of,” Zhuang Lan also smiled dotingly.

“Oh, such a thing,” the others said, stunned. In their vocabulary, spirit beasts were just similar to weapons. Their worldview was challenged day by day by Yu Yue’s style of conduct and way of thinking.

She pampered them and gave them the best, just like her own children. Comparing how they treat their own contract beasts, they feel really ashamed.

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