Chapter 464: Enlightenment (1)

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Since that incident in the medicine city, Li Haoran has been persistently sticking close to her. She’s always felt like beating him up every time she saw his face, but her hostility seemed to have diminished over time.

Well, that man has been silently helping her in the dark, to the point that it was difficult for her not to notice. She just also realized that her feelings towards him had slightly changed; she seemed not to hate him as much as before.

‘bah! Nonsense,” Ming Yu Xue was stunned when she realized her thoughts were all over that man. Especially remembering the ambiguous scene when they accidentally kiss.

Zi Mo was practicing walking when he fell heavily. They both rushed to pick him up at the same time, and she happened to bump into Li Haoran’s chin with her forehead. She happened to look up, and he looked then, and in the process, their lips touched. She felt like she was hit with lightning at that time and was too stunned to react.In the end, she lost her footing as she pulled Zi Mo into her embrace, and he ended up in his warm embrace.

Yu Yue couldn’t help but interrupt her sister’s thoughts.

“Oh, what is my eldest sister thinking? You seemed flustered,” Yu Yue smiled wickedly, seeing her sister’s rare sight of blushing. She could instantly tell that something interesting must have happened.

Well, Li Haoran did help them a lot, so she didn’t mind helping him pursue her sister. To be honest, he’s not that bad at all. He’s satisfactory in all aspects, if not for the incident long ago. So you decided to give him a little push.

“Well, its just that the Li clan will officially visit three days later. Not sure what to do.” Xue'er let out another bout of sigh; she has no idea how to face them at all.

“Well, Zi Mo is starting to form his consciousness, and it would be best to have a father by his side while growing up,” Yu Yue said suggestively, but she didn’t rush to patch things up.

“I understand what you mean; do you really think he could touch my son so easily? ”She snorted before sipping her tea.

“Then I don’t have to worry,” Yu Yue chuckled.

“You should be worried about your second sister instead,” Xue'er said, full of helplessness, as she looked at the familiar figure in red approaching them in a leisurely manner.

“Oh, what’s up with her? ”Yu yue blinked her eyes as she eyed Ming yu hua up and down curiously.

“Hua'er, why don’t you tell our third sister what good things you have done? "Ming Yu Xue said with emphasis in her words.

Ming Yu Hua looked at the sky as she deliberated, her face not showing any signs of regret.

“Well, I confessed to teacher Duan Haoyang,” she said a little embarrassedly.

“Then what happened? ”Yu yue trailed her words as her ears perked up, ready for gossip.

“He doesn’t like me."


“So I slept with him when he was drunk."


“And I’m pregnant."

“You  look at her second sister with a wide open mouth; she couldn’t believe what she just heard.

Her body feels like she was struck by a bolt of lightning.

Just when she feels like her world is about to collapse, the sky darkens as the lightning tribulation comes.

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