Chapter 567: (3)

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The next day, the disciple with the surname song finally woke up, so they started their journey. Yu Yue looks after her as they speed up to every city.

They soon arrived in the city and brought Song Qian Er to her clan; she was from a first-rate clan. Her condition isn’t critical anymore, so you don’t have to personally look after her.

They refused her invitation to stay in her clan, even though they didn’t forget to send precious herbs for saving her, and you all accepted them all without any scruples.

“Big brother, let’s attend an auction. I heard they will be auctioning rare pill formulas,” you said, full of interest.

“Alright, I’ll send my shadow guard to reserve a private room for us,” he agreed. Just right, there was something he liked in the auction as well.

“Big brother, I want to auction these things. Can I trouble you for this? ”You asked sheepishly.

“Not a problem,” Yu Hanyi said as he looked at her things doubtfully. He was secretly shocked. She has taken so many valuable things; even he didn’t have this much.

“Are you sure you don't want to auction these? ”He asked, unable to conceal the shock in his words.

“yeah? Would you like some? Here, these are for you,” Yu Yue said generously as she took out more and shoved it in his arms.

“gasps! So many? "Yu Hanyi lost his cool as he gasped.

“Hehe, I made it all. I still have many here, so take it.” Yu Yue laughed as she went to her room, leaving the stunned cousin brother of hers.

Hearing her words, Yu Hanyi was even more stunned. He already suspected that, but he was still stunned when he heard it coming from her personally.

The next day, they attended the auction. Their days were suddenly peaceful as they looked around without meeting any troubles. Yu Yue was also feeling very leisurely and relaxed; all she ever did these days was splurge and squander her wealth.

She bought anything she liked without any reservations. Yu Hanyi couldn’t only sighed helplessly; she’s already numb to how rich his cousin is. She even encouraged him to squander away; he felt pain as they spent money like water.

He was living a stingy life when he suddenly splurged on them, so he felt complicated.

On the third day, they finally heard of something interesting.

“Big brother, have you heard? There seems to be a heavenly treasure appearing somewhere in some forest,” Yu Yue said excitedly. It’s the talk of the town as there are many experts entering every city while talking about this matter.

“Yeah,” Yu Hanyi said, looking at her excited face and already knowing what she’s thinking.

“Well, why don’t we take a look as well? I think grandma will send some people over, right? ”Yu yue said thoughtfully; she’s not that interested, but she’s already bored, so something finally interesting came.

If it’s something great, she might regret not going.

“up to you” what else can yu hanyi say?

“great! We’re leaving tomorrow,” you laughed.

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