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When I woke up in the morning Felix was snuggled up by my side, I always thought it was cute. Most mornings I would wake up with him by my side, it was just something he did, and Minho sometimes got jealous because he never would go to his room but to mine instead.

I looked out the window and it was still gloomy and cloudy but there was no rain, I had left my window open last night and the morning air felt nice.

Felix stirred beside me, and I turned over, so I was facing him, "Hey there sleepy, another bad night?" I asked softly. "A n-nightmare again." Felix whispered.

He always seemed to have nightmares, they were always about his past, his parents and how they didn't want him because he was gay. He didn't care about his other problems but being gay was something he couldn't take when people hated him for it, he was proud of who he was despite everything.

"I'm sorry Lix, and last night had nothing to do with you okay. I was just being haunted by my own past." I pushed a strand of his hair out of his face and smiled at him. "Really? I wasn't the problem?" "No of course not how could I ever be mad at you." I kissed his forehead.

God he was the sweetest.

It was almost eerie how he can change though; his stage presence is unbelievably hot as hell but behind all that he was the purest soul.

"Do you not like Minho?" Always curious this one. "It's not that simple Lix, there are things from my past that I'm letting prevent me from loving someone again." I looked off into the distance. "But you do then?"

Do I?

"Oh Lix, you'll be the first to know if I change my mind, okay?" I looked back down at him, his face was as pure as can be, he was an angel.

"Alright get the fuck up Hyunjin! Breakfast is ready." Minho stormed into my room. 
"Damn it Lix! We talked about this. And why never me!?" I couldn't help but burst out laughing and Felix joined in.

"Hyunjin gives really good hugs." Felix said innocently. "And I didn't last night?" Minho raised his brow. "Well...Hyunjin went to his room mad, so you were the only person available."

Oh my god Felix, what am I to do with you.

"Felix go downstairs okay, and no I'm not mad I just love teasing you. We'll be right behind you." Minho spoke.

Felix wanted to resist but he got up and went downstairs.

"You sure he doesn't like you?" Minho asked curiously. "Mhmm, I'm sure besides he has a crush on some rapper guy." I rolled over onto my back. to be in fact, Felix is the cutest whenever he listens to him.

"Huh, never knew." Minho sat down beside me. "About last night..."

Last night....I let some stuff slip and my guard was down. In all honesty I actually thought Minho was going to kiss me and I might just have let him.

"Minho, I know I said some things and you had every right to hear them but at the same time was scared and letting my emotions get the best of me. I let my guard down, and I just want to try and be honest with you." I turned my head to look at him.

Minho laid down next to me and scooted close, our arms were touching, and our fingers brushed over each other. He's always trying to test the waters. I will give him credit though.

"I'm glad you did Hyunjin, you know I'm always here for you no matter what. Even in your darkest moments." Minho smiled.

That smile of his...

"I know Min, and I appreciate it. We should however get downstairs before Felix suspects something." I giggled. "Yeah, well isn't he always?" Minho laughed.

Minho then got up and I flicked the covers off of me, but it was still morning and well....

"Fuck Jinnie, so you do like me?" Minho smirked looking at my dick and back up at me.

I got up and walked over to him pressing myself against him, "I guess you'll never know." I smirked and went to the bathroom.

Well, that was rather bold of me, I swear I saw the color leave Minho's face. Glad to know I can get him flustered.

I guess to take care of something now.

Downstairs the kitchen smelled of bacon and it smelled amazing; I saw pancakes and eggs as well. I sat down next to Felix and then looked over at Minho. His mind was definitely elsewhere.

"What did you do to Minho?" Felix nudged me in the arm. "Oh nothing..." I grinned.

After breakfast we all got dressed and headed out.

Once in the car Felix turned up the radio as his favorite rapper came on, he has some good solo songs but he's also a part of a group.

"His voice is fire; I wish I could see him live or just the whole group in general." Felix smiled.

We take turns driving and sitting up front, today Minho was driving, and Felix was in the front, I got the back seat. "Maybe someday Lix." I spoke.

"Welcome back! That was and his newest single Volcano, also part of the group 3racha who are currently in London working on their new album. Their new single will hit all streaming services this Friday!" The radio host said enthusiastically. "I heard they will be heading back here to Seoul after their current project and will be performing at the dome." The co-host replied. "Right! I believe tickets go on sale next Monday, so all you fans out there get them before they're gone!"

"No fucking way! Minho!" Felix screamed. "Damn boy calm down." I said loudly. "Yes, Felix please and watch your mouth." Minho sighed.

Well, the great 3racha doing a concert, they never stop. The only member to not show their face or reveal anything about themselves is their leader. He is a complete mystery.

"Felix, I'll tell you what, if you can go the whole weekend without shaming yourself then I will get you a ticket." Minho spoke. "Really!" I could tell how excited Felix was and I can only see the sparkle in his eyes.

"Yes, so be good, okay?" I lightly squeezed Felix's shoulder.

Hope you get this Lix, I know it's been your dream.

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