Everything will be alright

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"Looks like someone is in better spirits." I spoke coldly.

Chan was in the kitchen cleaning up and putting things away, I had just brought in my own dishes and set them in the sink.

Minho and Changbin were too wrapped up in work and Jisung was with Felix wherever they went off to.

And here I am by myself really not wanting to be anywhere near Chan alone, but I guess everyone else is too fucking busy to care.

"You know me so well." Chan smirked.

"Yeah, well not everything, there are still kept secrets." I growled. "Can't we just let the past be the past?" "You've got to be fucking kidding me?" "No, I'm not Hyunjin, I've changed since then. I'm not the asshole that I was."

Yeah, well you do a real good job of hiding it, once an asshole always an asshole.

"Chan, I'm just here to work and that's it. There is no way we can ever become friends again let alone any type of relationship." I spoke.

"Everything good here?" Minho came up behind me resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Yeah, everything is good Min." I smiled.

Soon enough I could hear giggling and loud voices coming from the stairs, both Jisung and Felix were as happy as could be and it was adorable as fuck. I looked over at Chan who was not only annoyed with Minho being close to me but also when he heard those two his mood definitely changed.

"Hey Minho, can you go let Felix know we will be leaving soon." I turned to look at him and he looked at me questioningly but nodded.

After Minho left, I took a step towards Chan.

"You like him, don't you?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

Chan turned his attention to me, and I don't know what his expression was, but it was different from anything I've seen from him before.

"What would you know Hyunjin?" Chan spat.

"You get annoyed when you see Minho near me or talking to me but yet you're more jealous when Jisung is with Felix." "Doesn't matter anyways, I'm no good to be in any sort of relationship with anyone." "So, you've slept with him at least, that I know you're good at." I could feel tears starting to build up, but I kept them in, and I walked away.

Jisung walked Felix to the car and Minho was waiting for me by the door. We didn't get into any work matters well besides what Minho and Changbin talked about but I'm sure Minho will fill us in later.

"So, I will let you know a time and day and we will get straight to work, maybe this coming weekend?" Changbin spoke. 

"Yeah, for sure, you got my number just let me know and we will work something out. I know Felix is excited and not just because of Jisung either." Minho chuckled.

I couldn't help but smile myself.

I took one last look at Chan who was just starring into space and looked I don't know...sad, I guess.

The whole ride home Minho was silent and it kind of freaked me out a bit, I hate when he gets silent. Felix fell asleep in the back, and he looked peaceful with a hint of a smile on his face, and it was cute.

Once the car was in park Minho immediately got out and grabbed Felix out of the back carrying him into the house.

I sat there for a few seconds before getting out of the car, I walked up to the house and stood on the porch not wanting to go inside just yet. I leaned against the railing and took in the night air; it was a bit chilly out and of course the moon was hiding behind clouds.

A few minutes later and I feel Minho beside me, "Mind telling me what you and Chan were talking about?" Minho spoke.

"Chan and Jisung had a thing going and now he's jealous." I replied. "You're kidding me, right?" "No, I'm not, I knew he was extra annoyed with you and me, but I caught glimpses of him whenever Jisung and Felix were together, and he looked pissed as all hell.  I also know they slept together; he didn't have to say anything because I know how he works."

Minho turned me to face him, and his expression became softer but also holds a bit of anger because I know he wants nothing to happen to Felix.

Felix was finally happy, and I know Minho wasn't going to let anything happen to him and neither will I.

"Well, we will keep an eye on him. Jisung looks very into Felix, so I don't think he wants anything to do with Chan anymore but when we all work together, we will keep an eye on things. You know I won't let Felix get dragged down by something and definitely not by Chan." Minho cupped my cheek.

I leaned into the touch, and it felt nice. I feel like it's been a while since Minho, and I have been this close.

"Minho you know I have nothing to do with Chan anymore, and I'm just as upset as you are with the Jisung thing. From what I've seen though Jisung is completely smitten with Felix, I might talk to Jisung though and tell him a bit about Chan." I spoke softly." "I'm not worried about you and Chan okay; I am worried about Felix. So, if you think you can talk to Jisung about Chan then be my guest, just be careful okay."

I took a step towards Minho, and he wrapped his arms around me, I can tell Minho can never stay to upset with me no matter what.

"I know you want this to get done with fast and I understand that-" "But I know you're doing it for all of us." I cut Minho off.

I looked up at him and he was just looking at me...looking at me like whatever we were just talking about didn't even matter anymore. It was just me and him now, I wanted to put us on pause and so far, it was going well but my mind just...no my heart wants him.

"Hyunjin..." Minho whispered.

"Shut up and just kiss me." I said.

No hesitation and Minho's lips were on mine, they were soft, and I could still taste our dinner from earlier but that didn't matter.

Our kiss deepened and Minho had me pressed against the railing, he then picked me up and sat me on top of the railing. My legs were wrapped around him, and my arms were pulling him in closer, I had my fingers tangled in his hair.

He nibbled on my bottom lip and as soon as my lips parted, he slipped his tongue inside and both our tongues swirled around each other.

At this rate we could have gone further but as what I was thinking Minho was thinking the same thing.

Minho pulled away but still held me close, "Hyunjin I..." "Don't Minho, I know what you want to say. For now, let's just be here in the moment, we still have time." I whispered.

Minho kissed me again, just a simple sweet kiss but it was everything.

"As long as you don't hate me then I can wait, I can wait regardless of whatever." Minho smiled.

"I don't hate you Minho and I never did, just...I'm cautious and have my issues but I know you mean well. So, let's protect our Felix, get this contract done and then me and you can come back us. In the meantime, I don't mind these moments." I smiled.

Minho kissed me on the forehead and pulled me into a hug, his arms were warm and safe around me and I hope to God it stays that way.

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