01) New Start

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"This is not we agreed on Cocolia "
The woman glared at Cocolia with a sarcastic smile while a quiet tall guy with a dark blue long hair is just behind her back as they stood in such a snowy plains of belobog.

"Well if you're not cooperating so nicely we can just take this Stellaron with force."
The woman then summoned her sword readily to fight and take the Stellaron at all cost. No one dared to shiver in such a cold place with such an intense scene.

Before any one of them can make a move, a big robot suddenly striked which sent both of the Stellaron hunters away. With a smile on Cocolia's face she faced the Stellaron. "You're safe, Belobog will sure have a bright future with you here."


Feeling stucked in a dark place for a long time since all you can see is just black not until suddenly faint voices started to echoes in your head. A girl cute voice can be heard accompanied by two males who is not much of a talkers. "She's still breathing." A man voice added calmly. "Dan Heng let's bring her in the express we can't just let her die here." A girl added with her voice laced with worry. "She's so cold..." Another man voice added on the scene.

"Where am I?" I looked around and find myself resting on such a comfy soft bed and saw a guy with a black hair focused on reading his book before closing it bringing his attention to me. "So you're awake. My name is Dan Heng-" before he can finish his word the door swung open revealing a pink hair girl with a boy with a gray hair locks. I'm stunned seeing new faces and looked at them with no expression.

The black hair guy named Dan Heng suddenly pulled the two person heading towards the door. "We will talk to you later, rest up first." With that I'm left alone in the room and laid down staring at the ceiling.

"Where am I?, "Why I'm here?", and... "Who are they?"
With so many questions in my mind I head out to the door before seeing people as if they're in agenda or something. There's a woman in red long hair sipping her cup of coffee, a man standing with his crane, the pink girl again with a hand on her hips, two guys one with black hair and gray hair again pretty with a same height and lastly a little cute like little plushie? And it was talking?

 There's a woman in red long hair sipping her cup of coffee, a man standing with his crane, the pink girl again with a hand on her hips, two guys one with black hair and gray hair again pretty with a same height and lastly a little cute like littl...

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