41) Ghost

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Pom-pom entered the kitchen in a good mood to start preparing breakfast to the express, they stopped on their tracks when they realized something wrong with the atmosphere. The lights was flickering and there's a woman in her white dress standing on the counter, followed by the sound of knife chopping something.

Pom-pom don't know what to do, they can't scream as if something was holding their throat and they can't run as if their foot was glued in place. Everytime the knife hits the wooden board send shivers down it's spine. That's when the 'ghost' noticed them. Once their attention was on Pom-pom it started to walk towards them holding the knife in it's hand.

Pom-pom's face was frightened and that's when they started to scream. "WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! GHOSTTTTTT!" It was enough to make the whole Astral Express crew to wake up from their peaceful sleep. Pom-pom started to run while screaming because everytime they looked back it followed them with a knife in hand.

March 7th activated all the lights in the Astral Express alarmed at Pom-pom continues screaming about ghost. Pom-pom eyes lit up seeing Dan Heng and Caelus are walking towards them and the knife flew out of the 'ghost' hands when it tripped by Welt's crane... Unexpectedly the 'ghost' cried.

(Y/N)'s PoV:
"O-oww!" I whined feeling the pain of my forehead, my nose, and my whole body hitted the floor when I tripped. I looked up to them and see their completely shocked expression, their jaw was on the floor especially Pom-pom. March and Caelus went to help me get up.

"(Y/N) what are you doing...?" Himeko asked completely confused and surprised at what just happened. "You... You scared Pom-pom!" Pom-pom was about to lunch at me but Dan Heng carried them to stop. "I'm sorry!" I pinched my nose that I feel that just broke because I landed at the floor completely flat. "I... I just wanted to make a surprise breakfast to you all to show gratitude, I didn't know that I would scare you, I'm sorry!" Pom-pom resisted on Dan Heng's arms and he put them down. "I chased you earlier because I thought you'd tell them, I'm sorry!"

Himeko giggled at the sight and Welt have a smile on his face and shaked his head slightly. "You don't have to do that (Y/N) but thank you." He stated calmly while March butted in the conversation. "Now I'm kinda excited at what you prepared (Y/N)!" Her comment suddenly made my whole body tensed up.


All of them deadpanned seeing the kitchen by their own two eyes... It was a pure chaos! "You didn't just scared Pom-pom... You even wasted ingredients and made a mess in the kitchen!" Pom-pom was at their limit at me, they're glaring at me so intensely. "I'm so sorryyy!" I crouched at Pom-pom's height, I hug them so tightly and keep apolozing.

"Pom-pom forgive you but... You must face consequences. You will wash the dishes and clean the parlor car everyday... For 1 month." "Oof- 1 month... Goodluck...." Caelus muttered and Himeko walked up to Pom-pom and gently rubbed it's head. "I think washing the dishes was enough for her, we're many in number plus we eat three times a day." Pom-pom didn't say anything and just nodded it seems that they consider Himeko's words.

"Alright! Let's prepare our delicious breakfast right now!" Caelus energy lifted my spirit and we all nodded. 'The light seems pretty stable now... It was flickering earlier... It's kinda creepy.' I thought to myself. Himeko and March was preparing some hot coffee and chocolate for the drinks, while Pom-pom was setting up the dinner table. I was assigned beating the eggs for the Omelette rice that Welt and Dan Heng was cooking and Caelus was the one who was making the fried rice.

I accepted the punishment that Pom-pom gave me and with that we all eat happily our breakfast... This warm and joyful feeling, I hope this would last forever.

 This warm and joyful feeling, I hope this would last forever

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