19) Back again

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It's new morning and right now me and Dan Heng was on Rivet Town since he insisted to investigate my ability and maybe train me in the process.

In the middle of training March 7th called me and say that Caelus is awake now and that we should head back to see the Wildfire.


"Ehh?! Dan Heng and (Y/N) where are you going?! On a date?!" A familiar voice comes from behind when me and Dan Heng was walking outside of the hotel, it was March 7th. Dan Heng sighed and face palm. "I'm gonna observed her ability, contact us if Caelus has awaken so we can talk to Wildfire." March 7th gives me and Dan Heng a smirk even hearing what is the real purpose why we're leaving together for the mean time. "Well I guess you two had reconcile now, that's good to hear~!"


We're near at the hotel and saw March 7th and Caelus talking. "It took you all day to wake up Caelus, slept well?" I giggled a bit as I walk to the two of them while Dan Heng is just following me silently.


We went to see Wildfire and as expected Sampo was there I instantly stepped back seeing him while Dan Heng just let me hide in his back. Sampo looked at me with a mischievous grin before he speak. "You little missy right there? No need to be afraid of me well what I did to you back then... I just saw in-... Well it doesn't matter I can't lay my hand on you seeing how Mr. Dan Heng gave that cold and death glare at me, look I'm really scared!" He hid on Seele side while he pointed out his goosebumps.

Oleg just chuckled at Sampo before his tone changed to serious as he turned his head towards me. "I'm sorry that happened to you (Y/N) and failed to help you as a Wildfire, you can do what you want as a revenge to him." My head pops out on Dan Heng side after hearing what Oleg has said "Really?!"

Dan Heng was shocked after I asked the question with delighted voice. "I'll hold him up for you." Seele is already holding sampo tightly and not letting him do any move before she even speaks. I walk up to Sampo and take a deep breath, "Wait missy! I-I... I apologize please have mercy-" before he can finish his sentence, I gave him a slap across his cheeks just like what he did when he locked me up.

"Oohh that was pretty solid!" March 7th giggled as she still holding her camera, it seems that she just captured what happened. Caelus just clapped while laughing as if he was watching a comedy show "Well done (Y/N)!" Dan Heng just watching the scene and gave me a little smile after what I did while Seele and Oleg just laugh.

"I'll take you four up back to the surface how can you do this to me?!" Dan Heng summoned his cloud piercer and point the sharp edge at Sampo's throat. "Shut up, it's not even enough as a punishment." Sampo just sighed in defeat and look away feeling the cold weapon touching his throat.

" Sampo just sighed in defeat and look away feeling the cold weapon touching his throat

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