20) Landau's

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We've now reached the surface by Sampo but before we knew it he's now missing, nowhere to be found.

"We're finally back! I nearly forgot what fresh air taste like! Nom nom nom!" March deeply inhale savoring the fresh cold air in the Belobog.

"According to Bronya's letter we should find Landau siblings and we can trust them..." Dan Heng put a hand on his chin as he reread the letter himself to double check the information.

"So many guards are patrolling in the area... It's not that many when we first arrived here." I looked around and see every corner with silvermane guards.

"The best place we can do is... Look for Serval... Since we met her before and she seems good... Plus Gepard is a Captain of the silvermane guards he can just easily dragged us to jail." We all nod in suggestions of Dan Heng and went straight to the Neverwinter Workshop to avoid drawing attention from any silvermane guards.

Serval Landau was the owner of the Neverwinter Workshop she's the one who Gepard told us that was performing sometimes. She teach us a thing or two how to repair and function some mechanisms in Belobog city.

We're now inside her workshop to talk, her place is the best being soundproof and tainted walls. "So what crime exactly you four commit?" Her tone is not like interrogating someone but rather she is like known this coming.

Caelus was about to explain it to her before suddenly Dan Heng interrupts him. "Wait-" He turned his head on Serval and narrowed his eyes on her, "Bronya said we can trust you..." He continued.

"What you don't trust me?" Serval asked Dan Heng, and He just nod at her... This dude really have some trust issues... Serval give a light hearted chuckle. "You're good and smart but worry not, I'm part of Landau and I do hold up in my word."

Dan Heng gave us a signal that we can tell her now what really happened and I gave her the explanation what exactly happened in backwater pass when they was about to arrest us before we got dragged in Underwold along side with Bronya.

"Heh... That sounds like Cocolia would do." Serval have and amused smirk on her face as she remembers what happened in her past. "Cocolia and I were like sisters in the past... not until she became the Supreme Guardian. I was part before of the architects and specialized as the researcher of so called 'Stellaron' later on when I was found some small details on it, she suddenly suspected me going against with the rule of architects and just with that she expelled me in my position." After she told us her past with Cocolia she sighed but her sigh sounds relief and comfort like she was free from a cage of rules.

" After she told us her past with Cocolia she sighed but her sigh sounds relief and comfort like she was free from a cage of rules

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