33) Mission Complete

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"Ah! It's the Variables" Clara turned her head to us that walking towards at Svarog's lair with a small robot named Perkins.

"Nice hair cut Svarog." Caelus said out of nowhere "Pfft." A stifled laughter escape my mouth and of course March 7th reacted to that with really not amused face. "What's so funny, Caelus not trying to pick a fight are you?"

"The ground shaking we felt just now... Recalculating Conclusion: Engine of Creation. 97.66% probability." Svarog ignores Caelus just said and proceeded to his own calculations.

"Calculation result... update. Mission number 0001-Preserve the Underworld-complete."

"Which means that you, Svarog -uh... You won't have to worry about preserving the Underworld... for the time being." March 7th looked at Svarog with a faint smile knowing the mission of Preserving Underworld is completed. "Bronya made a promise the Underworld and the Overworld will soon be reunited." Of course we deliver the news about removing the blockade between Overworld and Underworld... Will Svarog can go to the Overworld with their transportation...? We never know.


Cable car is usually used in transportation in Overworld and Underworld... In the eyes of old cable car workers it's fascinating to see that they're operating again... As a decades wasn't enough to forgot how it feels to have a ride in there.

As we got off the cable car many silvermane guards are stationed to help Underwolders and their Captain was there too. "Welcome back to the Administrative District, Trailblazers." We were greeted by Gepard and now we are not addressed as 'intruders' or 'outsiders'. "Trailblazers... first time anyone's called us that on this planet!" Caelus put his hand on his hip proudly claiming the title 'Trailblazer'.

"Lady Bronya's inaugural address will begin soon. She asked me to pass on her invitation to you... Lady Bronya insisted on delivering the speech as soon as possible. She wants the people to understand what happened." Gepard quickly explained to us and we bid farewell to head at Everwinter Monument to catch Bronya's speech.

"Bronya haven't arrived yet... We should find a place to wait." Dan Heng suggested, the four of us waited at the bench and everyone of us are busy in our own business. Dan Heng was reading a book, March 7th was enjoying her juice, Caelus was playing a game on his phone, meanwhile I was enjoying the sight of the people around us as they gather in Bronya's address...

I recognized The Moles, Clara, and the other Underwold kids. Seeing them enjoy the fresh air in Belobog city was very pleasant to see in my eyes causing me a mumbled with a genuine gratitude on my voice and a clear soft smile on my face. "Their smile are so priceless... Thank god they can breathe the cold fresh air here."

My attention was snapped back hearing an loud commanding voice from a silvermane guard. "Silvermane Formation! Address will start soon!" Bronya arrived at the platform infront of the Everwinter Monument and the crowd cheers for her as she starts.

She announced as the 17th Supreme Guardian of Belobog after Cocolia Rand sacrificial at saving Belobog. She announced a better preserving at Belobog asking for everyone's cooperation to work with them- Overworld and Underworld citizens. The crowd was filled with applause and praise after her speech ends with a cheerful chant. "Lady Bronya! Lady Bronya! Live long Belobog!"

 "Lady Bronya! Lady Bronya! Live long Belobog!"

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