63) Touch

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He went silent after I questioned him and it seems that he doesn't want to tell me because he instantly changed the topic. "Shhh, I'm fine... I'm here now, Aren't I?" He hushed me in a reassuring tone as I tried to stop my own tears too, I finally calmed down and he started to talk with a frown written on his expression. "That man... he is connected from my past incarnation like the General... It's very a long story..." He sighed as he keeps his eyes on the pillow he got from me earlier. "I'm willing to listen." He shaked his head at my response to him, he stood up from my bed and offered his hand to me. "We should get some lunch or else Pom-pom will be angry."

I take his hand as we walk to the kitchen, I immediately let go of his hand when I saw Himeko who was restocking the coffee beans on the drawer of the counter. "How are you feeling (Y/N)." We were greeted by Himeko with a smile on her face seeing us together. "Thank you so much Himeko... I'm feeling better!" I smiled back to her, Dan Heng went to the stove and reheated the food, it seems that's why Pom-pom went into my room to call us for lunch earlier.


After eating lunch I wore an apron to wash the dishes since he's the one who already served us the lunch but he was persistent. "I'll do it." I shaked my head as I gave him an response "I can do it." He only gave me one look and sighed as I removed the apron on myself. "Fine... You know I hate it sometimes when you always do things and I feel so useless." When I removed the apron on myself I titptoe to make him wear an apron by myself. I was standing by his side all the time watching him wash the plates we used earlier. "You've been staring at me since earlier. Is there something on my face?"

I smiled at him and shaked my head. "Nope, it's not like that... I'm just happy... After what happened in Xianzhou... you somehow kept your distance not just to me but all in the Express. I... I really... really missed you... that's why I'm happy feeling your presence again. I'm happy that you're with me... right now." I can feel my cheeks are becoming rosy tinted but it doesn't matter right now, I've been wanting to talked with him after a long time, I've wanted to tell him after what happened in Xianzhou that...   ___________

"My previous life is like a faint shadow - hardly visible yet following me wherever I go. It's hard to describe the feeling, So I can't really tell you the full details." He held my shoulder as he turned me around, "What are you doing?" "Stay like that." I was confused but I nodded and wait for him. "Turn around." As I face him again I was shocked, he returned to his original form. His left hand have a ball floating with an yellow light surrounding it before it suddenly disappear. "After Dan Feng undergo the molting rebirth I spent my days in shackling prison to make up his prison days before I was exiled... It is said that his powered split on the next High Elder Vidyadhara, Ms. Bailu and Me. I do not wish to use this power but this power is borne to me..."

3rd Person PoV:

Dan Heng kept his eye on the floor with ashamed face but (Y/N)'s eyes sparkled seeing his other form again. (Y/N) encircled to him observing every feature of him on front, sides, and the back. "Wait, where's your tail? I think I've seen it before... strange..." he closed his eyes and his tail suddenly appeared with the horns atop of his head seems to grow and glow. "Woah! can I touch it?" "What?! No-" His face is flushed after (Y/N)'s request, he didn't finish his sentence seeing her eager face.

(Y/N)'s eyes is too focused at his tail as it's started wiggling as it's making a soft thump on the ground. "Just a little..." He crossed his arms and pursed his lips as he wait for (Y/N) who is eagerly wanting to touch his tail. As (Y/N)'s hand landed on his tail his whole body shivered and his tail flicked on the ground making her flinched at the sudden reaction. "I'm sorry... Was I too rough?" He shaked his head and turned around but his ears are red and it's visible in her eyes. "It's not like that... My tail is quite... sensitive so I... I apologize for that sudden reaction." Her face is suddenly written with guilt, "I'm sorry, I didn't know but you should've said so." "It's fine... t-touch it."


3rd Person PoV at Parlor Car earlier:

Himeko came back at the Parlor Car coming from the kitchen earlier, truth to be told she haven't finished organizing the restock on the kitchen but she want to give those two a space. She noticed when they're eating lunch earlier Pom-pom is somewhat strange until now as they move swiftly around the Express cleaning one spot again and again.

"Pom-pom have a rest you're cleaning a same spot." Welt told him calmly as he watches Pom-pom near him while he sat on the couch of the Express. "Yes but... Ahhhhhh" Pom-pom face turn beet red again as they run into the storage room to get an water for the plants. Himeko and Welt followed them and they saw how Pom-pom stumbled by running into March 7th who was sneakily walking towards the kitchen.

"SHHHH!" Thankfully her precious camera didn't fall on the ground by Pom-pom's impact on her. The kitchen was open so March 7th and Pom-pom peeked out and saw (Y/N) and Dan Heng... the Dan Heng on the other form. Himeko and Welt wanted to drag Pom-pom and March 7th for (Y/N) and Dan Heng's privacy but suddenly Pom-pom talked. "I saw them earlier... they..." Pom-pom uses their hand and met it together, "They... k-kissed."

"WHAT?!" March 7th gasped and shouted after hearing it from Pom-pom which caught the attention of those two inside the kitchen.

Author's Note:I just discovered in Dan Heng IL voice lines that he doesn't exactly know his past he said that it's just a shadow or something

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Author's Note:
I just discovered in Dan Heng IL voice lines that he doesn't exactly know his past he said that it's just a shadow or something. I was ready to be a story teller about what happened (Literally haven't done the HCQ companion mission😓🤚) but as it said I've done my research lol and I was mind blown. I'm not a theorist or like lore player or something because I play games for the hot guys... (ehem Dan Heng🗣️) anyways if the info is wrong... it's not my fault anymore /j🙄 kidding asides...


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