62) Again

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As I walked towards my desk to check those snacks that was left on the tray, I smiled seeing a note from Pom-pom and March. He followed me on my desk and I saw his reflection on the mirror on my desk that he's focused on the wall of pictures I had inside my room.

"Can I get this one?" He asked as he got one picture from my wall of pictures, it's the one in Belobog when he gave my phone. "Well... I don't have an extra copy of it..." I looked closely at the picture on his hand. "Can I get something from my room? I'll come back shortly." I nodded my head at him but with slight of confusion, he patted me with a gentle smile on his face as he leaves my room.

Later on he came back and he asked for my new phone. "I've retrieved your memory card from your old phone. Your old files and picture are now transferred in your new phone." As I browse in my gallery it's true that those pictures I had before is retrieved. "Wow, You're really amazing!" "It's nothing." I got an new idea and I opened my camera, "Let's take a picture!" He get the phone in my hand and he put it on my desk but this time it seems that we're using his phone to take a picture.

As he open the camera of his phone for the selfie he turned his head towards me, "Your eyes are really puffy... It's so visible in the camera." His hand was about to touch my eyes but instantly retracted his hand. Since we're fitting each other for the picture I realized how close we are right now so I stepped back. "Ah-!" Who would've thought that I would trip inside my room.

"Careful!" Thankfully Dan Heng was fast to react as he instantly put his hand behind my head so my head won't hit the wall. I'm safe but I think my heart is not... it's beating so loudly as our faces is near to each other besides I'm not used to this new proximity with him. There's only silence between us as we keep our gazes to each other.

3rd Person PoV:

Suddenly Dan Heng cleared his throat and spoke, "I'll go get an Ice pack for your ey-" as he was about to pull away (Y/N) pulled him closer to her. This time her eyes are focused on his lips, His eyes widened feeling her lips against his for the second time. (Y/N)'s hand snaked to his shoulder for her balance and that's when Dan Heng decided to reciprocate the kiss as he pushed her against the wall gently and deepens the kiss, his other hand was behind her head that slowly went down to her neck and his other hand is tightly wrapped around her waist.

(Y/N)'s PoV:

The door suddenly opened and it reveals Pom-pom, I was surprised hearing the door open so suddenly so without hesitation I pushed him away from me. Thankfully Dan Heng landed on her bed so he was safe but at the same time Pom-pom closed the door of her room as they run away.

I feel so stupid for doing it... 'I just k-kissed him, his lips...' I don't know why did I do it too but I know it to myself... I didn't regret it... I liked it, even though it's a bit disrespectful not asking for his consent. "I-I..." I stuttered as my fiddling on my fingers fasten being nervous and shy. "I'll bring ice pack." after that he leaves my room and I jumped onto my bed. "What the heck did you do (Y/N)!!!" I'm blushing intensely and slap my face again and again. "How am I supposed to face him now?!"

I laid on my bed rolling around it because of embarrassment, later on he came back to my room which makes me cover my entire self with blanket. "Are you sleeping?" I heard him walk towards my bed as he sat beside it. I peek out and suddenly grab the ice pack from his hands and cover myself again with a blanket. Under the covers I had the ice pack resting on my eyes despite of the ice cubes being frozen from the fridge my face is burning up.

3rd Person PoV:

Again... for the second time there's only awkward silence in (Y/N)'s room as she rest her eye with an cold compress on it. "I... I dreamt of you..." (Y/N) suddenly speaks catching Dan Heng's attention. "I dreamt of you d-dying... because of that Man's sword three times... and the most painful thing about it is... I... I can't do anything about it." It's clear that she's tearing up as she opened up and tell him about her nightmares which shattered his heart, he didn't expect that it would affect her mentally. "I'm sorry you've witnessed it..." there's a frown written in his face and wanted to comfort her more but he doesn't know what to do.

She take a deep breath and sighed before she bring back her energetic self. "I'm sorry I've bothered you too much for staying with me... you can go back to your room to rest." "What if I don't want to? After all you said that you don't want me to leave you..." He didn't received an response to her instead he suddenly heard her cries. Dan Heng wanted to pull off the covers on her to comfort her but he doesn't want to do it without her permission so he held it out. "(Y/N) please... face me." He was trying to resist himself but every time he heard every hics from her he can't help but clenched his fist. He can't bare to see or hear her cry, in his mind he's the one to blame why she is feeling this right now.

"Please..." He repeated, "No! I... I'm such a mess right now!" She continued to cry under her blankets as she hug tightly her pillow that catches every tear coming out from her eyes. After a moment (Y/N) removes the blanket on her but she still cover her face with a pillow as she's trying to stop her tears to face him. "I'm sorry..." He carefully removed the pillow that's covering her face as he gently wipe her tears with his thumb. Weirdly the more he touches her face and wipe her tears she started to burst in tears again.

"W-who is that man... the man who k-killed you?"

 the man who k-killed you?"

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