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It's a new morning now and March 7th excited voice is ringing in my ear first in early morning. "(Y/N) wake uppp!" I groaned and covered myself with a blanket covering up the noise that March was making so I can go back to sleep again.

Eventually after March persistent on waking me up, I got up from bed only to see them all infront of my door waiting for me making me embarrassed wanting to hide myself on the bed.

"It's time to get back, pom-pom will get angry if we keep passing on our schedule." Dan Heng had his arms crossed. "I kinda dreamt of Sampo..." Caelus scratched his head trying to remember his dream. "You poor thing let's check the Lunar Calendar you might be unlucky." March said playfully.


"Welcome back you four." Himeko stand up from the couch but still holding a cup of coffee she brewed. "We're home Himeko and Mr. Yang!" March added on a cheerful voice. "You all got an tough trailblazing expedition there, you all deserve a better rest. Don't worry we still have time to decide where will be our next expedition." Welt gently smiled at us before Dan Heng spoke to excuse himself. "If there's nothing then I'll head back into my room."

With that Dan Heng turned around and headed back to his room. "And... I thought that guy will open up after this..." March looked at Dan Heng who was heading on his room and sighs as she talked. "Don't worry about that March I'm sure he treasures your experience with you all." Welt chuckled while he adjust his glasses.

"Oh, right. You must have so many questions about that final battle with the Supreme Guardian of Belobog. Welt and I made some simple analyses that might help shed some light on it for you. Feel free to ask questions." Himeko said to Caelus and unexpectedly he put his hand to the left side of his chest and ask. "Out of 5 stars how would you rate me?" Himeko giggled and answered him with a warm smile. "I would say a solid 5 stars."


After Caelus ask them both Himeko and called me with pom-pom to go in the storage room. "Today we're gonna decorate your own room." My eyes sparkled at Himeko's word. "Really?!" I followed them excitedly and carry the boxes needed in my new room.

The room design is just simple as it is, A desk, bed, and couch a simple yet cozy giving a warm abiance inside. Himeko giggled seeing the wide smile in my face because of my new room, "So? Do you like it?" "I... I love it! Thank you Himeko! You're the best!" I jumped to her to hugged her so tight and after that I take every angle in my room with a picture in my phone, the phone shutter was heard within a second.

 I love it! Thank you Himeko! You're the best!" I jumped to her to hugged her so tight and after that I take every angle in my room with a picture in my phone, the phone shutter was heard within a second

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