79) Dream

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It feels hot but I closed my eyes and raised up my head to face the sunlight. This sunny weather is perfect for a picnic, Right now I'm in a picnic with a special someone... Blade. Currently he's laying on our picnic mat with his eyes closed and hugging his cased sword.

I removed the sword from his hands that makes his eyes open, "Can't you just hug me? I'm getting jealous on that sword." I pouted to him as I kept his sword away.

He chuckled and placed his right hand behind my head and he wrapped his left arm around my waist as he gently pull me towards him, my head gently landed on his chest and he run his fingers through my hair.

I raised up my head to face him and he suddenly flipped our position, I'm now laying on the mat but he kept his hand behind of my head. His figure is towering me blocking the rising heat ray of the sunlight.

"Your position right now... Is making it hard for me... to resist." His voice is hoarse and when he finished his word he slowly lean to me... This is it... This will be my very first kiss with him.

I closed my eyes waiting for his own lips to met mine but suddenly, "Wake up, darling~" I heard a familiar voice...


Another day has come and someone's been waking me up early in the morning. "(Y/N) get up, it's time for your training. Since we're busy yesterday we're gonna make it up for today." My sister voice is heard as she continuously shaking me to wake up but my dream is too good.

'I'm at the climax! Let me finish my dream! He will kiss me!!!"

"5 minutes..." I groaned and bury my head on my pillow so I can go back to my dream. "That won't do. Come on Get up!" I ignored her as I was trying to focus and get back to my dream not until I suddenly feel all my spirits became alive.

I bursted in laughter and rolled on my bed as she started to tickle me on my stomach, endlessly running and poking it with her fingers. "F-fine hahaha- I-I'll Get u-up-!" I panted for air but thankfully she stopped tickling me.

"Freshen up yourself, I 'll be waiting for you in the training room dear~" I groaned again and lazily went to the bathroom to freshen up myself and then my dream flashes back in my mind again.

"It was all... A dream..." I look at my own reflection at the mirror while brushing my teeth. I feel disappointed that it was all a dream but I can't accept the fact that my own sister waked me up from reality! It's okay for me even if it's just a dream!

As I finished washing my face I sighed, "The day is just starting... We are training for today! Yayyy!!!" I grabbed my wooden sword excitedly as I headed to the training room to see my sister with the familiar man! I gasped loudly which make their attention turns to me when they were talking.

I can't help but blushed remembering my dream... "What if...." I mumbled catching my sister's attention. "What if what?" I shaked my head and let out a nervous laugh. "Hahahaha what if you teach me new techniques today?!"

"Not today, dear~ Blade will teach you for today." My jaw dropped and remained speechless... it seems my sister can read my mind... "Don't look so shocked, I just simply requested for him to train you." She said with a giggle and I can't help but tackle my sister to an thankful hug.

"Sister!!! You're the best!!!" She reciprpcated my hug and after a while we let go of each other to begin my training. The training is basically just a spar with him but I'm the offense side, all will I do is just to attack him and he will just block all my attacks.

3rd person Pov:

Clashing sounds filled the training room since the two who held their swords are focused and the Kafka is just watching, waiting for her sister to win it and cheer for her. 2 minutes have passed but (Y/N) is starting to feel the tiredness as her movements starting to slow down and pants for air.

With her last energy she put all her power force to attack Blade and because of it her sword becomes half. Blade's sword is sharp even though it seems fragile because of it' shattered appearance it's still sharp comparing to (Y/N)'s sword that it's just a wood.

She dropped on the floor with the other part of the sword and the other one is still on her hand.

(Y/N)'s PoV:

'The sword he made... I... Broke it!' "Kafka... I'm done." I glance up as Blade talks to my sister and she nodded at him, with that he leaves. I'm still sad and disappointed at what happened since this sword is made by him not to mention that he made it for ME.

"I will buy you a real sword soon so don't be sad." My sister help me get up and picked up the other sword part...

Inside my room I tied up the sword with a bandage to become one again. I handled it with care as I store it under my bed. I sighed and hug my Owlbert, "I'm so stupid to make that move... Now I've broken it..."

I held both of my cheeks as I suddenly recalled something. 'He's really so cool and hot at the same time, just by looking how he handle his sword!' I giggled because of my thoughts about him and headed off to sleep hugging the Owlbert.

 'He's really so cool and hot at the same time, just by looking how he handle his sword!' I giggled because of my thoughts about him and headed off to sleep hugging the Owlbert

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Author's Note:
I'm halfway on writing the another special chapter🙌. Tbh Idk how my mind can multitask writing a special chapter and writing the continuation of the story💀

 Tbh Idk how my mind can multitask writing a special chapter and writing the continuation of the story💀-Yoshi

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