15) Variables

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Hook briefly explained on how to collect the certificates from different robot in order to bypass the gate and leaves us. We didn't waste any time as we confront all the robots imprinting all the certificates in March 7th's hand... Poor March taking all the certificates with pain. I gently patted her hand with a smile. "It'll be fine soon." March 7th hugged me and faked cry. "I didn't sign for any of this!"

"Less talking and let's not waste time." Dan Heng said on a stern tone and all of us walked back to the gate and showed all the certificates. Finally the gate opens, we saw Clara going down by the lift and the group silently follows her not until she stopped on the big machine completely looked puzzled.

Dan Heng walks to her and ask her if there's any problems, Clara explained about the system energy flow and it seems that she can't figure out what's the problem to make it work out again. Dan Heng thinks for a bit and explained to Clara what is the problem while March suddenly whispered loud enough to be heard by everyone. "He's really a walking encyclopedia."

As expected from Dan Heng he barely lifted up a finger and repaired the system energy bringing heat and light around Svarog's base. "Thank you... I'll do anything to help... U-uhhh... Except about S-Svaro-" Clara was cutted off by Bronya as she questioned Clara. "Clara we're not trying to win you over. Look at the four of them, do they look like a Belobog's citizens?"

Clara looked to us and observed our clothing carefully and shakes her head. "We're actually not from this planet." Caelus tried to convince Clara but she shakes her head. "D-don't treat me like a child! I know that stories is made up by grown adults."

"Clara... Me too have my doubts about them but they might be a new light of hope in Overworld and Underwold of Belobog." Bronya crouched down to her level as she spoke in a soft tone to convince Clara. "I think we're not calculated by Svarog as his variables coming that we're not from this planet." I too crouched down to meet Clara in the eyes, trying to convince her.

Clara looked to all of us and saw the smile written on Seele, Bronya, March 7th, Caelus, Dan Heng, and My face as we wait for her answer. She is still processing about being not included as variable in Svarog's calculations.

"I... Made up my mind... I'll take you to Mr. Svarog. Clara needs to be brave like all of you... I don't want to witness people getting sick, losing their homes and fighting... I don't want anything like that to happen anymore... Everyone... Follow me."


Clara grant us access in the main gate on Svarog's lair and warned us before entering. "Uhh... if you can, Please not try to upset Mr. Svarog..." Seele speaks as he crossed her arms. "I'll leave the negotiations to you guys. They're not my strong point."


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