84) Daisy

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3rd Person PoV at the Sword shop:
(2days ago)

Kakfa and Blade entered the luxurious shop filled with different types of sword, "Hmmm... What should I buy for her..." Kafka is scanning her surrounding looking for a good weapon that will suit her little sister.

There's a little bad side about (Y/N) learning how to use sword but in advance she asked a favor to Elio to not gave her any mission especially assassinating for a Stellaron, after all, she doesn't want her to have such a dirty and bloody hand like hers.

Blade silently and patiently followed Kafka that is focused on chosing a good sword not until she asked Blade for his own opinion. "I'm open for suggestion Bladie, do you have something to recommend?" Without hesitation Blade pointed out for the white katana displayed beside him.

"This one?" Kafka inspect it as she put her hand on her chin before Blade spoke. "Daisy... She... reminds me of it..." Kafka giggled as her lips goes upwards, "You're right... Innocence, Purity, Simplicity. It really suits her." Later on they asked for assistance to finally buy it.


3rd Person PoV:

As their collab sparring began, Kafka is handling Sam who is basically just blocking all her attacks with his armor since he can't use his ablity or else he will destroy her sword. On the other hand (Y/N) is struggling to defend herself because of relentless Blade's attack, his attacks were powerful and he's fast to act too.

"Go... easy... for a bit!" (Y/N) shouted after she blocked one of Blade's attack, he stopped for a while (Y/N) decided to attack him but before she slash her sword it dropped on the ground her body was about to follow. Blade didn't know why his body reacted as he catches her body that was about to hit the floor.

(Y/N)'s knees suddenly became weak since all the time she was blocking Blade's attack all the force was brought down to her lower part just to not stumble by his powerful attacks... she doesn't want to look weak especially to him. "(Y/N)! Are you okay?!" Sam and Kafka's attention were caught after her sword made a sound as it hits the floor.

"Yes I'm fin-" as (Y/N) look up to respond to her sister the first thing she saw is Blade's face that is inches closer to hers, instead of pulling away her eyes travelled upto his face until their eyes met.

(Y/N)'S PoV:

'Those eyes why are they looking at me like that.' I saw his ever burning red eyes becomes softer like a red-orange imitating the setting sun... it feels warm. I can't help but hate this mixed feelings I get the more as I stare to him. 'I should've move on from him, I should've not feel this way towards him, I should've not been...'

I instantly shaked off my thoughts and tried to regain my original posture, I quickly pushed him away as I realized how my right arm is clinging on to his sleeves while his right hand is wrapped around my waist. As I forced out myself to escape from his arms it didn't help as it just stumble the both of us.

3rd Person PoV:

A groan from Blade escape his lips as his back hitted the floor with an impact, Firefly gasped at the scene and cover her mouth with her cheeks rose tinted... (Y/N)'s body landed on top of him straddling his legs. "Heh~ an interesting position (Y/N)." Silverwolf whisper on her phone as she continues recording.

Kafka immediately assisted her sister and (Y/N) suddenly whine in pain, "Oww!I think- I think my left foot is sprained, I can't move." "Sam, help her first to her room. I'll get some cold compress." Firefly said before she rushes to the kitchen.

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