09) Missing

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Third Person PoV:

(Y/N) is shackled at the cold ground of someone's basement, unconscious with her mouth have tape and her eyes have a blindfold.


When Dan Heng awaken he was immediately dragged by Sampo at the fight club not giving him time to check up on his companion. He was now currently at the Boulder town's fight club.


At the same time March 7th and Caelus wake up in Natasha's clinic, after gathering some intel, the two split up to find both Dan Heng and (Y/N). Luck was on March side and find The Moles who saw around Sampo and Dan Heng to the boulder town fight club. While Caelus have clearly have no idea about (Y/N)'s current location. March 7th and Caelus decided to team up about finding Dan Heng first so the three of them will search for (Y/N).

After playing hide and seek with The Moles to negotiate some information, March 7th and Caelus enter the fight club and saw Dan Heng on the ring with some of his robot enemies.

"Brothers and sisters! Are you ready for today's most spectacular, spine-tingling, earth-shattering contest!? On one side recommended by Tall, Blue, and Handsome - the unsmiling pulverizing power of the new kid on the block: Cold Dragon Young! And his opponent is... none other than the unfeeling, incendiary, explosive might of Team Robomatic! All praise to Boss Svarog! And so, let the semifinals of the 1758th Fighting King Challenge... begin!"

The host of the fight club announced with lot of enthusiasm. March 7th and Caelus immediately entered the battle ring to help Dan Heng. "So you're awake? Wait... Where's (Y/N)" Dan Heng asked the two but become silent for a moment before March 7th responded to him. "Caelus tried to find her but we have no clue, so we searched first for you so you can help."

The battle ended up with the crowds cheer filling the air but somehow the trio attention was focused on the blue scoundrel - Sampo. "He's the one who dragged us here, he must know her where she is right now." The trio left the fight club and quietly follow Sampo around as he keeps moving with such caution looking so suspicious. The sound of Vagrants immediately caught their attention, seeing Bronya being threatened by them.

"She is important to help us locate the Stellaron we can't just let her there!" March said as she worries about Bronya's well being and of course (Y/N)'s too. "Let's split out, March and Caelus handle that and I will go after Sampo." Without waiting for their response Dan Heng immediately leave to look for Sampo.

" Without waiting for their response Dan Heng immediately leave to look for Sampo

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