58) Chu~

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Today we're headed at the Starskiff Haven to participate in the Soul-Soothing ceremony in Xianzhou. To put it into short-life terms - a funeral. They place items of the dead onto starskiffs, and send them out to sail between the stars - to shine brightly among them.

Mr. Yang, March, and Caelus were busy earlier gathering some things of "Tingyun" the Sky-faring amicassador. Even the Master Diviner of the Xianzhou were not sure wheter Tingyun is just a puppet manipulated by Phantylia or if some form of deception was used to cloud their vision.


The ceremony has ended with many Starskiffs flee the Xianzhou, as we're on way back a familiar voice was heard. "Miss (Y/N)!!!" I turned around and smiled as I run to Yanqing who was waving his hand towards me excitedly, "It's been a while!" I patted his head and he looked up to me with a joyous smile. "Haha... Yanqing made sure that I was fully recuperated... My apologies, I couldn't get to you any sooner Astral Express friends." Jing Yuan entered the conversation, it seems these two joined the soul-soothing ceremony together.

We were invited by the General himself in the Seat of Divine foresight to discuss the gift for the Astral Express which is the Token of Alliance from the Luofu which is made by jade abacus. He also discussed The Six- Charioteers judgement about Dan Heng's presence in Luofu since he was exiled by his past incarnation sins which is still very unclear to me.

"The Express and its passengers have a long voyage ahead of them. May that voyage be smooth and untrammeled. I bid you Farewell." After Jing Yuan stated his farewell Yanqing beside him speaks up. "Miss (Y/N)." He said on a hushed tone... that everyone heard and he continued, "I have something to say it's a secret." I was confused but I leaned down ready to listen attentively at what is he going to say and suddenly...

3rd Person PoV:

"Chu~" Yanqing gave a cute small kiss on (Y/N)'s cheek as a farewell with a little rosy tinted cheeks. "Yanqing you're so adorable!" (Y/N) gave him a hug very touched at the affection of the child. Meanwhile her friends jaw dropped and Jing Yuan let out a chuckle by the action of his retainer. "Y'all are losing to a child~" March 7th whispered mischievously knowing that she's close to Dan Heng and Caelus that time.


(Y/N), March, and Caelus were left at the Xianzhou since that two will say farewell to their friends while (Y/N) is currently having a friendly spar with Yanqing as he requested. Dan Heng and Welt came back on the Express as Welt needed to report to Himeko and Dan Heng needed to update Himeko too because of his sudden departure to the Luofu.

"Welcome back Welt and Dan Heng, where's March and the others?" Himeko greeted while Pom-pom is watering the plants in the Parlor Car. "Where's (Y/N)!" Pom-pom suddenly walked to them, Welt briefly informed our current situation to the two of them while Dan Heng left the scene heading to his room.


(Y/N)'s PoV:

It's quite tiring sparring with an eager and energetic child when it comes to swords plus he's swift and have a keen eye too but it's adorable to see how eager he wants to learn some techniques and so fast to learn. Finally as the sun starting to set at Xianzhou we arrived at the Express.

"Welcome back you three, also (Y/N) I know you're tired so head back to your room before Pom-pom scold you-" Himeko's word were cutted off when Pom-pom suddenly arrived with a broom in hand, "(Y/N)! You made Pom-pom worried there! But it's good to know that you're safe. Pom-pom is... really...! really! really worried when we can't track your phone. So here, I heard your phone is broken."

Touched by Pom-pom's word I hugged them and bursted in tears, "Awww! Pom-pom you're the best!" "But don't expect that you won't get another punishment because! I made Pom-pom crumbly pies for you because I was scared when you suddenly passed out but in the end I'm the one who ate it because you left the Express without getting our permission!"

"I'm sorry I made you all worried..." My voice instantly went guilty because of them, probably Dan Heng is mad at me too because of what I did. "It's fine but please do inform us in a proper way and keep us updated." Himeko gave me a soft smile. "Caelus was in fire because your phone cannot be reached that time! It's the first time I've seen him in such furious way." March said as she put her hand on her hips, Caelus patted my head and have a worried look towards me, "You really scared me there..."


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