30) Warmth

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Bronya was unfeeling well so Seele had to bring her back to the Qlipoth fort. We all agreed to chat in a group chat to continue the next move in Belobog.

"So, Caelus, wanna tell us what happened back there? Don't think you can just reappear on the battlefield with a cool weapon in your hands and skip the story." Caelus raised up his chin with a confident smile before he respond to March. "That's the second time I've sacrificed myself for you, March." March groaned as she gave him an unamused look.

Before I can speak Dan Heng suddenly scooped me easily at his arms, I went easily red from embarrassment because of his actions and of course the two was shocked too that they were cutted off. " You're not fine right now, you need to be checked up and have enough rest..." Dan Heng smiled at me and covered my face to hide my blushing face and head towards to Natasha's clinic in the underworld.


It seems like I fell asleep while Dan Heng is carrying me to Natasha's clinic... I felt guilty because of it, he really didn't need to carry me all the way here... He's just tiring himself out. I get up on my bed to thank him but I saw the three on different bed having a deep sleep, tired from the mission and probably rested up a bit. The clinic was empty at the moment but Natasha, Oleg, and Sampo's voice was heard outside talking about something.

I walked towards Dan Heng's bed quietly to avoid waking him up and sat beside on the bed. I had an urge to brush the strand of his hair but at the same time I was hesitating. 'What if he doesn't like to be touched?' 'What if I wake him up on his sleep?' Despite my thoughts I still did it. The moment my hand lands on his hair he suddenly grabbed my wrist and wrapped his arms around my waist as he pulled me to lay down beside him.

My head landed on his chest with a soft thump and a little groan from him because of the impact. I shaked his hands that holding me in place but he gripped them harder. "D-D-DAN H-HE... HENG!" I whisper shouted at him to avoid others from waking up but my face is entire red from our current position, he hushed me and speak on sleepy voice that was kinda adorable for me. "Stay... Don't move for a moment..." He had his eyes closed as he hold me tightly while his hands went to the back of my head caressing it.

As we enjoyed the warm moment the sudden noise of opening door made my eyes widened, I forcely get myself out of Dan Heng's bed and looked around revealing a familiar face... It's Natasha.

I'm sweating and my face is entire red from what happened earlier and of course the Doctor immediately noticed it. "Are you feeling unwell (Y/N)?" Natasha walked up to me and instantly shakes my head. As Natasha's entrace at the Clinic the group is starting to wake up one by one. We got our message from Bronya at the group chat as she asked for our favor.

 We got our message from Bronya at the group chat as she asked for our favor

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