50) Cloud knight

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One of the big monster that looks like a knight but with a yellow leaf around it keep summoning two minions which makes them more and more. I tried defeating them in one go, thankfully the coast becomes clear and I picked up my phone.

I tried turning it on but it stay shutted down, "Why it doesn't want to turn on?!" But before I can walk off the monster suddenly rising up on their position and attacked me. 'I already use too much of my power I need some rest too!' I was shocked seeing them revive and just run off.

There was an cargo ship that is picking up some packages it was about to close and I slide in my self in there to shake them off. "Phew..." I catch my breath as I rested inside of a cargo ships. 'wait where is this headed to?!' I feel it moves and I panic, 'I should've listen to him...'

I stay seated trying to calm down myself before the silence around me becomes a reason to contemplate.

'Why did I even follow him... I should've stay on the express and listened to him.'

'No... You have to be strong, you need to ensure their safety...'

'Their safety? Are you really worried about them or you're just worried about Dan Heng?'


I woke up in a quiet place where I laid on the bed, but my wrist had a handcuffs... My memories in Belobog suddenly flashes back in my mind as if it happened yesterday. I cried as I tried to uncuff it and suddenly a young man outside the cell came up to me.

The first person was to greet me is a child with blonde hair. "Since now you're awake you must need to see the general." He unlocks the cell door and followed by a minions they guided me in a dimly lit place. As if there was a spotlight there's many guards was positioned and in the middle there was a man with a white hair with a solemn face.

"General... I bought someone, a suspicious one hiding on one of the cargo ships where the Cloudford is currently sealed up." The young boy reported to the 'general' and when I looked at him, a shiver runs down from my spine.

"I... I-I'm from the Astral Express!" I stuttered and pointed out my insignia, the general walks closer to me and observe. "You're right... But why aren't you with the others?" I was stunned hearing his soft voice which I didn't expect but it was soothing in my ears that makes me ease my nervous a little bit.

"It's because... I went to follow them, I... I just have a bad feeling this time that's why..." "I apologize for my retainer's behavior he didn't mean to scare you. Come on Yanqing remove those cuffs on her, I can't thank them enough for their help on Xianzhou." The general patted the boy and unlocks the handcuff letting wrist be free.

"I need to go first on some business, Yanqing accompany her first and when I come back I will take her to her companions." The general leaves in hurry and the boy bows down his head. "I'm so sorry Miss... Did I scare you...?" His voice where full of sincere apologies which makes my heart soften so fast.

"I'm okay... Plus the General said when he came back he will take me to them, I'm thankful since I got lost earlier." I smiled softly at him and patted his head gently. "I'm (Y/N), Nice to meet you... Yanqing?" "Nice to meet you... Miss (Y/N)..." He had his face lowered avoiding my gaze.

" He had his face lowered avoiding my gaze

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