86) Anniversary

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3rd Person PoV:

The day has passed with mostly (Y/N) sulking in her room after she ate breakfast because of what happened on her short training with Blade. Kafka is trying to get her out of her room but she didn't budge, it was heavy for (Y/N) since she tried all of her best but he ended up only pointing out all of her mistakes.

(Y/N)'s PoV:

"1...2..." *chop* A sword slashing sound was drown out as it sank to the wood. "48%" A robotic voice was heard. As the clocks hit 12am I quietly knocks on Firefly's room to help her train using Sam. Most of the time especially if they don't have any mission Sam is always on auto pilot mode since it's more comfortable for Firefly to move on her own.

Using the cut made by Blade earlier it was my base target, with Sam's precise and meticulous data analyzing to measure it. The wooden statue is filled now with many cuts, "54% keep going (Y/N) you're halfway there." I've been doing this for 30 minutes and I'm still halfway... My arms are about to fall off at this point.

Since I hitted higher than 50% I was more motivated to hit more so I didn't do anything and just try again and again trying to make it higher. I tighten the grip on my sword and swing my arms  together with my body to hit the wood. I fell into the floor and before Sam measured it he help me to get back up. My eyes widened after hearing his words, " Woah (Y/N)! 91% Just a little more power but please be careful."

3rd Person PoV:

Little did (Y/N) know Blade was observing them from the beginning, though Firefly can feel his presence she decided not to speak up to avoid (Y/N) being distracted. He find himself smiling after (Y/N) is celebrating if ever she reached higher than 50% of his attack on the same wood earlier.


As (Y/N) is energized after hitting 91% she kept trying and trying to the fact that her normal attacks are hitting at 50-60%, maybe it's her hype but one thing is for sure that she is improving.

(Y/N)'s PoV :

"1..! 2..!" *chop* I wait for Sam to read what is the percentage to know how I'm close to Blade's deep cut earlier, I looked at my side seeing the tall robotic human with heads down, "Firefly? Are you sleepy now?" I knock at Sam's armor and suddenly the power around it turned on. "Did I just fell asleep? Let's continue."

I shaked my head at her and gave an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, let's call it a day." I remained at the training room to continue but I take a little break as I lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling. "It's late, go to bed."

I almost jumped out hearing a sudden deep voice in the quiet training room since I was alone after Firefly left. "What? You're not my father, I'll go to bed when I want to." I didn't listen to him and just stay at my position.


3rd Person PoV:

The training room remains silent despite there's two people inside it. A sudden snore breaks the silence, as Blade glance over (Y/N) she's on a deep sleep using her arm as her pillow. Blade didn't realize how he was staring at sleeping figure, he looked away and clear his throat.

Later on he can't take off his eyes on her and sighed, "I told you to go to bed." He carefully scoops her in his arms and brought her to her room to comfortably sleep. After he gently placed her on her bed that's when he realized the redness on her hand it's because of the way she handle it. 'Why do I even worry about her.' He sighed and left her room.

(Y/N)'s PoV:

"(Y/N)? Wake up." 'This familiar voice is comforting...'  After recognizing the voice it made me shot awake. "Dad?!"  I felt my tears rolled down to my cheeks, It's been so long after all. "Why are you crying dear?"  My father said in confusion while he wipes my tears.

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