89) Mara

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Your eyes are tight shut from fear as Blade were about to kill you right now but a blazing fire sudden ignited in your pitch black vision. As you open your eyes you can't believe seeing a reddish translucent barrier that is protecting you from Blade's attack. Firefly immediately come to your side to support you towards to Silverwolf since she need to handle Blade using Sam.

"No one will leave this realm." As Silverwolf is assisting (Y/N) while she were verifying her identity to permit them to go out Blade suddenly slash his sword again towards (Y/N) but this time she was fortunate to dodge it.

"Kafka! Where are you! We need you here urgently!" Silverwolf tried to communicate from the outside but no one is responding. She also tried to trap Blade but he's swift to be even caught by all the trap she sets.

"Blade - Listen to me, stop and drop your weapon now!" Kafka finally arrived as she was called by Elio. The bloody sword that was in his hand instantly dropped at the floor with someone's blood.

"(Y/N)! What happened! Wait! We will bring you to the nearest hospital okay? Stay with us! Sam please do assist us, she need to be treated right now! Hang in there (Y/N)!"

"Big sis... Calm down..." You tried to reassure your sister even though it feels that your arm is about to fall off.

"How can I?!"

Later on Sam uses his ability to fly on the way to the nearest hospital so you will be treated at once. Fortunately your bones in your is not damaged but the treatment were still painful as they need to sew both side of your flesh where his sword passed through.

After an hours of the operation it was done and currently you are resting in the VIP room unconscious since the doctor placed you to sleep after knowing your fear in needles.

"Kafka... I'm sorry..." Silverwolf had her head down as she spoke on a small voice.

"I'm sorry too-" before Firefly can finish her sentence Kafka stood up and left the room.


Blade on the other hand was in his room after Kafka put him to sleep when he went Mara-Stricken. After Kafka left the hospital she went to the Stellaron Hunters headquarters to talk to Blade. Who woken up a minute ago before Kafka reach his room.

Kafka had her arms crossed as she sat beside Blade's bed, meanwhile Blade were avoiding her glaring gaze towards him, he didn't make eye-contact towards her nor even spoke up. Strangely he was aware what exactly he did when he was Mara-stricken earlier.

But still... She didn't expect that Blade will be the one who will hurt her in the end... as she see it they're getting along so well. She see how Blade's gaze turns soft when it comes to her little sister, for many times actually. She once tried to remove her Spirit whisper to him while Blade is talking to (Y/N) but there's no changes in his attitude, but it was just for a minute though because it can be dangerous especially (Y/N) is close to him that time.

"So... what triggered your Mara?" Kafka kept her cool but she was actually crazily mad at what happened to her sister. On the other hand she clearly blames herself, she was not there to protect her sister and maybe being away from Blade dispelled her Spirit whisper.

"I don't know..."

"That's strange." Kafka sighed as she fell to silence.

"I... I didn't mean... all of it... I- I'm..." Blade was talking on a quiet voice but he was interrupted by a phone call ringtone coming from Kafka's phone.

"Did something happened?..... Thank Aeons! Alright we will be there!" Kafka's face was written with happiness after she recieved a phone call from Firefly.

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