74) Hottie

443 17 10

(Y/N)'s PoV:

Strangely this man seems like he hypnotized me with his looks and suddenly the door open with Kafka and Elio. I waited them to talk about, Since this day he is now a new member of the Stellaron Hunter.

We were heading back to our rooms I excitedly tapped my sisters shoulder, "Sisterr! What is his name?! He... he is a HOTTIE!" My sister face went surprised and she chuckled. "Ain't telling you, my dear."

Elio spoke which catches our attention. "His name is Blade, He posseses terrifying self healing ability. He surrender his body to become a blade, I can sense his loyalty to Stellaron Hunter despite being a rookie." With that they left.

I was about to ran in Silverwolf's room to tell her about this guy but my sister spoke to me with an teasing smirk, "Someone got my little sister's attention hm? So what do you like about him? He is a newcomer after all I bet he haven't spoke to you."

"I was captured by his eyes, I feel like I'm locked with his gaze when our eyes met earlier and His deep threatening voice ahh~ It makes me want to surrender to him." I cup my rosy cheeks while I'm telling my sister who is listening to me attentively with a smile.

"Good for you, A crush is a good motivation but still always be careful with him... He is a dangerous man." She patted my head and left.

I'm excitedly blaberring nonsense about this man Blade on Silverwolf's room as Firefly is listening to me with a smile but Silverwolf already furrowed her eyebrows. She's annoyed at me since I'm the "cause" of her lost in focus on her game that's why she's stucked at one level. Of course if she is not interested I will force her to listen to me because she is my friend.


That didn't ended as me and Firefly moved into the kitchen to prepare his meal, it needed to be nutritious and digestible for his body. I have recipe book and herbal book scattered on the table to make a delicious healthy food for HIM. In the end we just settle for porridge since it was the most recommended for health recovering.

*90% Firefly's cooking 10% (Y/N)'s cooking.*

It was kinda saddening because I want to get his heart by my cooking but it's sad that I'm bad at it but it doesn't matter! Since I'm the one who's serving this to him. It will depend on my skill to charm him by my own personality, "I can do this!"


I arrived in his room with a tray only to find him sitting on his bed quietly with his arms crossed, he didn't care even I entered his room as he keep his eyes fixed on his cased sword. 'He looks so cool just by looking at his own sword! I wish I was it, set your eyes on me! Wait- Calm down (Y/N) calm down.'

I sat to the stool that was beside his bed and placed the food tray on my lap, "You need to eat to recover your strength." He didn't respond but his attention went to me and the food. Does he want it or not...?

"Here..." I grab a spoonful of the porridge from it's bowl and blow it gently to cool it down, when I was about to feed it to him he avoided it as he look away from me. 'Did... Did I just got rejected?!'

I put down the spoon and offer the whole bowl to him but he still didn't accept it, "Do you feel not eating? Do you not like it?" What do you want?" He finally responded to me with a cold tone. "Leave me alone." 'Ahhh~ his cold tone is so hot despite it's coldness!'

"Alright, Atleast have a bite okay?" With that I exited his room, Since it's dinner time they must be in the kitchen.


"(Y/N), you're back early..." Firefly said with a slight dissapointment, she got closer to me and whsipered, "I thought you were the one who will feed him."

I hug her adding my dramatic cry, "He doesn't want me there!!!" Firefly console me as she patted my head and back gently. "What happened?" Kafka asked as she walk to us coming from the stove as she already prepared our dinner. "Something about Blade i guess." Silver Wolf spat as she still eating her bubblegum.


New morning has come and I stretched out my arms and freshen up myself before I go to his room and check up on him, but of course I went to the mirror to check myself on my own reflection. 'Am I cute? Yes!yes you are! Let's go!'

My jaw dropped when I open the door only to find him swinging his sword and practicing his moves. He was so weak seeing his state yesterday but what the hell is this?!

The droplet of his sweats on his forehead is making him looks even hotter not to mention that he is wearing a tight black compression shirt. I mentally fanning myself with my own hand given how suddenly the room becomes hot.

'IS THIS FOR REAL?!?! FOR FREE?!?! I DEFINITELY NEED TO CALM DOWN! SIR?! EXCUSE ME?!' "What are you doing here?" His voice snapped me out of my thoughts and he stopped using his sword.

He put down his sword as he started to walk towards me, my mind went blank as he stood up very close to me staring at me with his blazing eyes. "Elio said I should thank you for treating me yesterday, but I can heal myself you don't need to do that. Now leave my room and leave me alone."

Author's Note:

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Author's Note:

Gosh! It's so hot (Blade is🤭) Just kidding, it's literally hot like I feel that I'm being cooked even tho the fan is on max number. I feel like the steams and every droplet of water in my body is evaporating fr.

ANYWAYS SINCE I FEEL THE SUMMER VIBES!!! *Drum Roll* I'm thinking... (thinking not making *still on descision making phase*) a Summer special vacation! I will make it tho but Idk what side... The Stellaron Hunter side or The Astral Express side.



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