90) Pity?

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Firefly's PoV:

I sighed after I come out from one cubicle, I retouch some of my make up and styled my hair for a bit to freshen up myself.

While walking I immediately stopped at my tracks seeing a familiar figure walking to the hallway of the hospital... it's Blade. I sneakily walked up to him and "Boo!" I jumped out to scare him but he just deadpanned at me.

"H-H-how is she?" He averted his eyes at me as he spoke on a small voice that is barely audible.

"I quite didn't hear that, what is it?"

"Don't pretend that you didn't heard me, answer my question." He shotted me an annoyed glare.

I shuddered at the way he threaten and glare at me. "Jeez... I didn't heard it clearly though! But if you're asking about (Y/N)'s well being... why don't see it for yourself."

"I said... Answer. My. Question."

"She's alright for now! But she will stay here for 3 weeks before she discharge!" I quickly answered him feeling that he might went bersek again... it's not like I can summon Sam here just to protect myself and this hospital.

"I see..." He walks off after I answered him...

'Uhh... that's it...?' My mind were still processing as he started to walk away. "You're not gonna check up on her? Or... apologize?"

He ignores me as he just continue to walk off even I said those words to him... but to be honest I can't imagine of him apologizing to her so... I'll just let him off.


"Sweetie... your phone have notification from Elio... a script for a mission. Bladie is on a mission with you, you can find him on our headquarters he's on his room."

'He is here though...' I'm not aware that I'm smiling... despite the fact that he didn't apologize to her for me he still care for her since he went here. Such a scaredy cat to show up infront of (Y/N).

"Wow... what's with the smile." (Y/N) asked me as she was laying on her bed.

"You're not coming?" I asked Kafka worriedly.

"Don't worry sweetie, I think... something really triggered his Mara. Although I'm not sure what it is..."

"Hmm... his target was (Y/N) the whole time. Did you do something?" I turned my head to (Y/N) and her face were written with confusion and she stares at the ceiling as if finding her answer at the back of her head.

"Nothing particularly..." she shrugged.

"You seem... relaxed (Y/N). Are you not like scared or mad at Blade? Well he did hurt you." Silverwolf jumped in the conversation as she stop using her phone.

"I-I'm scared... really s-scared. I don't even want to think of it. And it the pain of his sword is fresh but I once read a study to Mara and I actually feel sad about it... To think that he's one of them."

We all fell silent as (Y/N) a spoke. She's really strong for understanding him.

"I remembered the time when he was brought to our headquarters... he have so many deep cuts... and his chests have a hole. He..." her tears suddenly rolled down from her cheeks and Kafka immediately tried to comfort and calm down her sister.

(Y/N)'s PoV:

I can't help but tear up... My heart sank after hearing that he was Mara-struck. That was the study that capture my eyes, it just so sad that the Xianzhou natives were cursed by the Aeon of abundance. An immortality curse with heavy price that no one wished for.

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