66) Story

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I found myself similing alone inside of my room as I hug my pillow, it's already 11:11 pm but I can't sleep. 'I'll treasure and cherish you... (Y/N) I love you.' This phrase repeated countless times already and I can't help but blush at his words as I keep rolling left and right on my wrinkled bed.

"He loves me..." I muttered as my hug on my pillow tighten... and slightly imagining it was him. For some reason I got an urge to stans up from my bed and I walk towards my desk as I get one specific picture, it was the first picture I had with him, "When did I start to fall in love with you..?" I asked myself as I stare at our picture.

"Since my old photos was retrieved by him and now I have an extra copy of it I should give this to him." I place the picture on my desk and headed to my bed to sleep.


I woke up earlier than I expected and think of helping them to prepare our breakfast. "Good Morning (Y/N)! slept well?" March already greeted me with her cheery voice as I entered the kitchen and it was a rare sight as she was helping Pom-pom. "Good Morning March! I slept well..." I said cupping both of my cheek having a smile while my cheeks are having a little blush on too as I thought of him.

March looks dumbfounded as she stares at me, "Something's not right... Am I missing something?" She said as she raise one eyebrow as at me who was something happy as if I was floating on a cloud nine because of my smile. "(Y/N) what happened?!" She suddenly jump right infront of me as she ask excitedly while I avoid her on my sight as I continue to daydream, completely unbothered by her.

Suddenly two people entered the kitchen and it was Welt and Dan Heng, "Good Morning Dan Heng and Mr. Yang!" I said to them with a smile while Dan Heng walk towards me and patted my head gently. "Good Morning (Y/N)" I felt my heart screaming as he greeted me with a sweet voice as if we wake up next to each other, this was an indeed... Good Morning for me.

Not so long ago we're complete at the kitchen area as we gathered up to have our first meal for today prepared by March. Unexpectedly she even volunteered to help me wash the dishes even though she cooked for us, she pushed away Dan Heng who was about to help me clean the dishes. As of now I'm alone with March and she didn't waste any more time to dig out what's with me.

"Soooo... My dear friend care to reveal that interesting happy secret of yours?" She said having a cheeky grin as she bops my nose with a bubbles from the dishwashing soap. "Well..." My cheeks started to become pinkish again as I have a smile plastered on my face. "He confessed to me yesterday and I did too." She suddenly beamed to me eager to hear the whole story, of course as a bestfriend and the one who stayed up late just practice an confession to that one person and it suceeded it's something everyone would be excited.

As I finished telling her my story she jumped off excitedly and happily. "Good for you two! You're a good student (Y/N) you didn't let me down." She patted my shoulder with her having a proud smile and suddenly a question about her pops inside of my head. "Have you been on a relationship? How did you confessed?"

She shaked her head and giggle, "Nope nope, I haven't had one hmmm... but maybe in my past life? I have 67 different written stories of my past mostly of them is poorly written though... But a romance story... I've written one of them."


(TW: Mentions death)

"Once upon a time there was a lovely queen of one kingdom, the whole nation have a strong sense of loyalty towards their kingdom, no one dared to object, no one dared to disobey, and no one dared to rebel. Why? What is so special about it? The queen just wants everyone to have a good life like what she experience a luxury life. She and Her beloved king along with the higher ranks, they plan all along the better jobs and events will be good and benifitable within their area of their kingdom. The kingdom show all the kindness that every job is fair to their salary and keep their family living with no struggles. One day the King went to the other Kingdom to make some offiial business, his trip is just 3days to be exact so he left with only their servants and some knights leaving the queen alone. 3days have passed and the queen is already excited to finally see her husband again, of course she missed him so... so much, it was getting late at night as she watches over their balcony with loneliness and sadness as she patiently wait for her husband... she waited... and waited... she waited for 1 hour (s), 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours... until it's midnight where the moon is shining so brightly illuminating its glow towards her lonely face. Unfortunately... even the morning has arrived there's no sign of her husband, she was worried but her people inside the castle reassured her, she was troubled. A sudden scream of her citizen make everyone alarmed 'Your highness! Your highness!' As the queen is on the center of their staircase the citizen suddenly cried. 'Your highness... the King...' Her heart drops seeing her beloved king along with her servants unconcious as all of the farmers in the forest who saw them is helping to carry them along with all the mages to do everything they can to help their king. According to their mages who inspected their bodies they are poisoned... the ingridients is specifically grow at that icy kingdom where the king recently visited. Driven by anger the Queen alone herself plans to avenge her husband who showed nothing but all kindess to his people and everyday didn't miss to show his affection to her one and only queen, the one who stayed by her side through the thick or thin the one who loved her endlessly and same feelings towards her she does all her best to let him feel how she dearly love her only king that reigns in her heart.

Only by herself, the power is no problem for her as she mastered physical fighting, swordmanship and of course a catalyst. She knocked out one knight of that kingdom and through that she manipulated all the knights to drop their guard down. When she reached the hall of the other kingdom she instantly pointed her sword of the queen and king, the lovely queen who is kind, elegant, and fair turns into a cold, stern, and mad woman. 'What did you do to my husband.' The other king of the nation didn't bother to flinched as if he was not about to face the sharp sword of the queen has, he even have a smug smile of his face. 'It was just what he deserves if he only accepted my offer then it wouldn't happened to him.' 'I don't care about that! Give my husband an antidote! Now!' She yelled at the other nation's king and he just smirked at her. 'Antidote? That thing didn't existed in that poison that means HE IS DEAD, He will not come back or maybe he is in heaven considering the good deeds he did to your small kingdom.' The king mocked her and before the queen make any move the king already touched the sword that was pointed by the queen towards him and it freezes her whole body. The other nation's queen drags her into their basement and stripped off her clothes, erased her memory, locked her in a six-phased ice, and throw her at the space. In the end she failed to protect his beloved king the one and only who loved her dearly and the one she loves more than anyone could."


"The end!" March proudly ended up her story but I my tears is unstoppable, I even almost finished one box of the tissue just to wipe my tears... her story is just so sad, her beatiful life just suddenly crumbles and falls apart like that because of the other nation. She just wanted for all to have a good and peaceful life for her citizen and of course with her beloved husband. "Curse that other kingdom!" I slammed the table crying as the other used tissue full of my tears fall on the floor.

"The king and queen is just a living a peaceful and sweet life yet..." I said with a gloomy face as I tried to wiped my left tears with a last leaf of a tissue. "Right! I didn't know that I can write something heavy like that but, it's possible... because I ambushed their own territory they have and upper hand than me that time." I'm sad because of her story and all along I didn't know that I still have a long face, "Don't worry, that won't happen between you and Dan Heng because he is strong and cautious, he would do everything to protect you because... HE LOVES YOU."

Author's Note:Sorry for no update

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Author's Note:
Sorry for no update... it's still a phone issues but after these past few days I've had enough time to contemplate about my life and I had enough time to breakdown but I guess I'm okay for now. Good news I already wrote 4 chapters just needed to edit grammatical errors and such and another good news is I'm currently working on (Y/N)'s past if I'm motivated enough I might publish it on sunday.

Anyway who are you pulling next next patch? I'm currently saving for Robin, gurl got me questioning my loyalty to Dan Heng🤭


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