39) Archives

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At the afternoon I decided to think about the Stellaron Hunters so I headed to archives who was handled by Dan Heng. I wanted to keep it secret from him so I just asked him if I can read something there.

"There's too many information here in Data Bank, you sure that you don't want to tell the topic?" I nodded at him and started scrolling in the screen. 'this should be arranged in alphabetical order, it would be easy.' with that he laid on his bed reading a big book.

I deadpanned feeling my fingers numb, I've been scrolling for so long and I'm at letter C right now. 'Where's the search bar though...' I tried to find it but I can't, 'Should I ask Dan Heng...?' Because of my hesitation I didn't realize that I'm fidgeting my fingers and can't stay put in my place.

"What's wrong?" He closed the book he was reading and stand up to walk towards me. "Where's the search bar?" I fidgeted my fingers since I'm still hesitating, suddenly he gently grabbed my chin to pull me closer and look at him. "I won't tell you unless you tell me what are you looking for." I pushed him away and turned around covering my blushing mess face too flustered at his actions.

I turned around again to face him and lowered my head. "I... I'm looking some information about Stellaron hunters..." Dan Heng put his hand on his chin and think for a moment. "Hmmm... I don't know if there's much information about them." Dan Heng proceeded to search for it and as expected it's just a description was written there.

Data Bank> Stellaron hunter

"No one knows anything about the Stellaron Hunters aside from what they have done. Which Aeon do they worship? What do they want with the Stellaron? With the cosmos filled with rumors about them, only one thing is for certain: Though the Stellaron Hunters are few in numbers, each of them holds incredible capacities and powers."

'Is that it?' I can't believe that the data bank didn't even have further information about Stellaron hunters, "I see... I'll head back in my room then." Before I can leave he called me to ask a question. "(Y/N)... Is something bothering you?" I shaked my head and try my best to smile at him. "I'm just curious don't worry!"

"Do you have something to tell me?" He proceeded to ask another question which made me confused. "Uhhh... No?" He take out his phone and asked again. "Then what is this message for?" I looked at his phone and recall that it was the message when we're still on Jarilo-VI... "Oh? That time I was curious what you did talk about with Bronya."

"Do you want to know?" He was surprised at first and I replied with a nod. "Of course! It take you sometime there while I was waiting for you outside but it's okay I was with Pela, without her I won't have known the game I've been playing. Plus... After that when we're on way back to the Goethe Hotel you were smiling as if something good happened."

He gently smiled at me and said. "About that..."


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