03) New Day

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I woke up in the same room and recall what happened... "I fainted... But what was that voice..." I mumbled before getting up. I walked towards the door and when I open the door, I jumped out seeing Caelus infront of the door that was about to knock.

He jumped out a bit before clearing his throat as he composed his self, "We are waiting for you to have a breakfast, pom-pom will get angry if you don't eat any, so... Let's go?" Caelus flashes a smile as bright like a morning sun even though the outside view of the window in the astral express was full of shining stars.

Walking to the dining area pom-pom were serving plates in the table while Dan Heng was helping him place utensils in every plate and March 7th greeted me "Good morning (Y/N)!" Then followed by everyone greeting me, feeling overwhelmed again I froze and just nodded at all awkwardly and sat beside March 7th.

After eating the breakfast we walked to the parlor car which is the lobby of the astral express and saw the giant white ball known as Jarilo-VI. March suddenly appeared beside you and speak "That's Jarilo-VI and that's where we found you... You doesn't seem like an citizens of the city but we have a trailblaze mission out there together with Dan Heng and Caelus, we might find some clues to your identity."

"Come with us." Caelus added as he gaves me again... That smile... That smile somewhat makes him attractive but somehow Dan Heng's mystery, quiet and cold identity catches my whole attention. I nodded as I accepted their invitation to trailblaze with me, this is when I i felt excitement.

I saw Dan Heng walking towards the exit of the astral express before calling out to the three of us. "March 7th, Caelus and you... (Y/N) let's go we have business to do."

The metal butterfly clip was on the part of my clothing as part of myself and started my first trailblaze with them when I stepped my foot again at the snowy plains, I instantly shivered as the cold breeze passed against us. "It's cold..." I said as my voice is shaking at how cold the temperature was, suddenly two coats appeared before my eyes looking at Caelus and Dan Heng offering their coat me.

"You can wear your own coat she can use mine." Caelus said to Dan Heng but Dan Heng gave him a glare and spoke back to him. "You can use yours, look at how thin your clothes are." March 7th suddenly snaps a picture with a flash caughting all of our attention.

March suddenly grabbed me then wrap her arms around me before looking at Caelus and Dan Heng with a shocked expression still holding out their coats. "No fighting over a girl! We have a mission." She playfully added and walked to the snowy plains.

" She playfully added and walked to the snowy plains

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