52) He's here

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3rd Person PoV on March 7th, Caelus, and Welt side:

‌They've reached the alchemy commission when March 7th recieved a notification from her phone. "She's here at Xianzhou?!" She exclaimed so suddenly making her companion startled. "Who?" Caelus stopped walking as he ask March.

"Dan Heng sent a message to you earlier that he's here and (Y/N) followed him." March 7th said as she types for a reply asking her where she is right now. "Where is she?" Caelus asked March 7th with his voice is full of worries, Welt on the other side contacting Himeko to ask if anything happened in the Express.

"Her message was 12 hours ago... and no update..." March 7th is worried and start spamming messages at (Y/N) hoping that she will reply. "WHAT?!" Caelus instantly used his phone dialed her phone number. 'Please answer (Y/N)!' He gritted his teeth as he impatiently wait for the other lines response but unfortunately the phone is just ending up with, "The subscriber cannot be reached please leave a message after the beep. *beeeeep*"

'Himeko can't even track her phone...?' Welt is hesitant to tell the two and thinking some reasons to reassure them but, he too is getting worried. "She followed Dan Heng so they should have crossed paths by now, He won't let anything dangerous happen to her." Welt cleared his throat and with hesitation and full of worries they continue walking further to the Alchemy commission with Tingyun.


Dan Heng's PoV:

'So the Alchemy commission is the safe zone... That cloud knight really detoured in Xianzhou... How was the others...' I picked up my phone and received a message from Caleus.


SOS! Please this is urgent, is (Y/N) with you right now? is she safe? I heard from March that she followed you.

We've tried contacting her, message was last sent 12 hours ago... we've been waiting for her response but I can't contact her.

Also the Stellaron Hunter escaped the divination commission with it's companion name... uhh... 'Bladie?'

We're here at Aureate Elixir Furnace right now, hope you catch up with us safely... with (Y/N).

Dan Heng
What?! Are you serious that she followed me?

*Message failed to send*


I tried dialing her phone but it ending up with an automated voice, '(Y/N)... Blade is just around... I'm near at Caelus and the others... What should I do now...?' My emotions seems to be a mixed bag learning that (Y/N) followed me and now she's unreachable. 'Where I am supposed to find her?!'

"It's all thanks to their courageous work that the Knights don't have to worry about the poison in Evemist Mansion." 'Is that why they're near at the Aureate Elixir furnace?' One of the cloud knights voice was heard and they were talking to Sushang... 'I delayed for too long, I need information.'

"Oh! it's the silent and deadly!" As I walk over them Sushang already greeted me. I asked those cloud knights for the information of (Y/N) but it seems they're unfamiliar... and March and the others they know where they went... Scalegorge waterscape with the master diviner. 'I'm sorry... I need to deal with my past so everyone will not drag at burden I have including you (Y/N), I'm sorry and stay safe.'


3rd Person PoV at Dan Heng's side:

Dan Heng left the Alchemy commission and there were mist along the way but most importantly there was Vidyadhara mirage echoes in the place. Dan Heng was still denying that it has nothing do with his past but it was completely showing the past echoes of him. Maybe it was because of the commotion happened with the Aureate Elixir furnace, who knows?

Eventually he reached the a small port with only one vessel, A past echo seems to have it's own consciousness as they recognize the surging power of High Elder from Dan Heng.

"Something terrible is happening in Scalegorge Waterscape. Please don't go any further... Your enemies... Your enemies are waiting for you."

"I'm sorry, I cannot linger here. My friends have left-I must find them."

"It seems you already made your decision. There is a vessel bound for Scalegorge Waterscape located ahead."


Dan Heng arrived where they were two people as if waiting for him, The man with long navy blue hair speaks, "He's here..."


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