55) Duty

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As we started to walk towards the Scalegorge waterscape, in some far away I recognize a the familiar bubbly girl's pink hair that eas standing out from afar. With so much excitement I rushed towards their directions as I run, "Hey... Don't run!" Dan Heng sighed unable to stop me to run to them.

I was happy and full of excitement but unexpectedly.. that made me tripped and lose my balance "Ah-!" My eyes tight shut knowing that I'll hit the land with a hard impact but I didn't feel what I expected instead I feel something wrapped around my waist. It was Dan Heng's translucent tail, "I told you not to run." he had his arms crossed and hissed at me.

I resisted from it and tried shaking him off, "I'm sorry... so put me down now." he controlled his tail and it dumped me into his arms so he's still carrying me in like a bridal style. "Put me down! I can walk!" My face is red due to the fact that he's carrying me and it was infront of the General too and some of the Cloud knights that's accompanied us, it makes me embarrassed more that I tripped.

But he didn't listened to me, they continue walking as we walk closer it becomes clear to me that there was two pink haired girl, "Two March 7th?"I speak loudly in my thought making Jing Yuan chuckle. "Haha, the other one is our Master Diviner, Lady Fu xuan." We got closer and finally Dan Heng safely put me back at my feet again at the ground.

"Marchhhh! Caelusss! Mr. Yanggg! We're hereerree!" This time those two, March and Caelus tackled me into a tight hug like finally in a decades we met again. "(Y/N)!!! You're here safeee!, Thank goodness!" I can feel that she was about to burst in tears knowing that I'm here infront of them whole and complete. "(Y/N) you really scared us! Why didn't you even picked up my calls and reply on our messages?"

"Jing Yuan, where have you been?!" Fu Xuan said with annoyance to Jing Yuan, "Sorry for the delay but our key to reach the Ambrosial Arbor that Phantylia's targeting is here." That reveal the Dan Heng in other form. "Huh..?! Is that Dan Heng? what's with the horns?" March said surprised with Caelus. "It's a long story but... It's me..." Dan Heng said with some hesitance as he looked away from those two.

"Lord Ravager Phantylia's strategy was to create civil strifethen let it consume the Xianzhou from within. She wanted to use the Arbor to disseminate the power of the Plagues Author and turn the Luofu into a hell of undying abominations." Fu Xuan stated to Jing Yuan about Phantylia's intention in the Luofu.

"As Lady Fu has explained, the appearance of Phantylia means that the situation is far from under our control. As general of the Luofu, it would be foolish of me not to ask Dan Heng and the rest of you for your strength at this critical moment." Jing Yuan turned his head to us - The Astral Express as he seeks for help not about a Stellaron Crisis but about the Luofu crisis.

3rd Person PoV:

(Y/N) is too confused in the situation about they're talking about so she stayed silent all the time, also many things is so unclear to her she's so full of questions in mind.

"So what's plan, General?" March 7th was full of energy as she asked Jing Yuan. "There is no master plan, only a bet... a bet on the senior Vidyadhara's incomplete exuviation charm, and on Dan Heng's ability to access the memories of the high elder... What happens next, is in your hands." He turned his head to Dan Heng with a gentle smile that a sign of rooting for him.

In other words, Dan Heng agreed on Jing Yuan's bet of the favor for the Luofu... to get rid of Dan Feng's illusion. Additionally he agreed since he's a descendant of Vidyahara he'll fulfill his duty to the Luofu.

Author's Note:Finally I made a new cover 🙌, Well I'm proud but still it's my work so I'll criticize it to my bones lol so if I have time or something I might change again but then again

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Author's Note:
Finally I made a new cover 🙌, Well I'm proud but still it's my work so I'll criticize it to my bones lol so if I have time or something I might change again but then again... I'm proud and for my eyes is majestic... or it's majestic because it's Dan Heng (dunno).😘 NAURR4RRR OMAGAD I'M SO DUM DUMMNNNN I UNPUBLISHED HE WHOLE BOOK INSTEAD OF THIS CHAPTER 😭😭😭 I'M CRYING THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING SORRY FOR THE NOTIF Y'ALL 😭😭😭.

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