40) Caught

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I can feel my heart raced seeing his gentle smile again, the smile he had back then in the Goethe Hotel was the same... What happened? What did he talk about Bronya? This is making me curious about it.

"I asked some favor to Bronya that's all." He simply stated which makes my eyebrows raise and point the smile he have now. "Then what's with your smile right now?" He covered his mouth area with the back of his hand and see his cheek and the tip of his ears slightly reddened because of the embarrassment. "I'm... Not smiling."

"You are though." I grabbed his wrist that his hand was blocking his mouth, that made his face more red because of the contact of my own hand with his. He covered his mouth again with his another hand and clear his throat. "Anyway, what I talked about with her is about-" "Everyone, we will start preparing for our dinner, come here at once before pom-pom get angry." Himeko's soothing voice was heard on radio and Dan Heng started to walk and exited his room. "Hey, wait! you haven't tell me yet!"

In the same moment March exited her room and saw me and Dan Heng exited the same room. "You two... What are you doing in a same room?" She questioned with a smug smile and her smile was more pointing at me. "I just want to read something in the data bank." I responded to March while Dan Heng just sighed before he walks off ignoring March's question.

We arrived at kitchen area where Pom-pom, Himeko, Welt, and Caelus are waiting. After we prepared our dinner and ate them we chit chatted a bit with each other and headed to our own rooms to sleep. 'My AP should be full by now because I haven't logged on today.' I'm now laying on my bed and was about to open Tears of Themis but I got a message from Dan Heng.

Dan Heng

Dan Heng
Are you heading to sleep now?

Not yet, it's still too early.

Dan Heng
Okay good, I can tell it you now if you want to.

[Sent pom-pom confused sticker]

Dan Heng
You already forgot what we were about to talk earlier...


'Oh he's right I completely forgotten about that' I decided to call him so I won't spend too much time on writing to chat with him. Glad that he answered it.

"Why did you call? I can just type it."

"You'll spent too much time if you write it, plus I wanted to hear you voice."

A light chuckle was heard in the other end of the phone and that's when I realized what I just said in the end, thankfully this is just a phone call he won't see my face if I'm blushing or not, though... I can feel my face heat up.

"Alright I'll tell you now, it's best if we don't stay up too late anyway. What we talk about is... About you."

"...Me...? Me?!"

"Yes... Given that you're a Stellaron hunter before, you have a such... records. I asked Bronya about being an favor from the Astral Express to let you go but unexpectedly... You saved her when she was a kid. That's why she let you hook off and she said that we're always welcome in Belobog especially you."

I was loss at words still processing what he just said. He asked a favor from her to let me go, he did it just for me...? And I saved Bronya before...?

"Are you still there?"

"Y-yeah... I'm still here... I'm right here infront of your door."

Without realizing, my feet brought me infront of his door but why? Dan Heng opened up the door, "Why are you here it's late at night." Without answering his question I walked up to him and wrap my arms around him. "Thank you... For me you're so amazing..." I spoke in a brittle voice with tightening my hug every second that passes.

Silence filled out his room because he was too shocked not knowing what to say or do, "The decision was from Bronya all along she's the one who deserve your thanks, not me." He stated calmly while his arms stayed by his side.

I didn't realize that his heart was beating fast too not until when I felt his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him, I decided too look up and unexpectedly I saw his entire face beet red, "S-stop staring at me..." He used one of his hand to cover my eyes so he can prevent me from looking at him, with that I instantly pulled away from the hug and started apologizing.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I acted without thinking, it's so late now so goodnight!" I dashed out of his room embarrassed at my own actions and hide under the blanket when I arrived in my own room. I slap both of my rosy cheeks lightly to wake me up from reality, "Use your mind not your heart so you won't do embarrassing things (Y/N)!" I muttered to myself.


Dan Heng is now laying on his bed, after what happened the sleepiness go away from his spirit he can still feel his heart race everytime he recalls what just happened. He gripped his phone with a draft message to (Y/N) 'goodnight' but he can't send it due to his embarrassment.

 He gripped his phone with a draft message to (Y/N) 'goodnight' but he can't send it due to his embarrassment

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