70) Emanator?

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Today is the day as we stopped in Xianzhou Loufu for two reasons, According in the plan me and March will meet the Master Diviner Lady Fu Xuan for our hope of recollecting our memories while Dan Heng and Caelus will meet the Ms. Healer Lady Bailu to seal the Ambrosial Arbor using the power of the High Elder Vidyadhara.

Caelus and March are walking ahead of us and we were left behind and he suddenly stopped at his tracks that made me follow his actions too. "Let's meet at the Express later." I felt Dan Heng's lips touched my forehead as he talked to me in a soft voice. I nodded at him and tiptoe to kiss his cheek. "See you later."


The Divination Commission where the Master Diviner Lady Fu Xuan works as the Diviner. "Greetings Master Diviner." March and I greeted Fu Xuan who is facing many paperworks as she thinks. "I am extremely busy of late. If you have something to ask me, do not delay."

I nudged March who've been hesistant to say our request but I too was hesitant since she is busy with her job being a Master Diviner. Fu Xuan shakes her head she also says that we can say our request so we were delighted and March started ti spoke. "I see... you've been using the Matrix of prescience to divine into Kafkas past. Well, we have request..."

"There are materials from which we can infer the past. To guarantee the Matrix's accuracy, you'll have to provide something related to your past experience." As Fu Xuan said we nodded and I removed the butterfly clip on my head with my name ingraved on it.

"What about yours March?" I asked her since she didn't prepared anything from her, "Hmmm... They find me before like I'm a newborn baby, I didn't have anything from before since the ice where I'm imprisoned before... of course it melted a long time ago." She sighed in shame.

"Since you have an item (Y/N) why don't you go first?" Fu Xuan jumped into our conversation and I suddenly felt nervous. "Let's head to the Matrix core." We followed her on the way, seeing my troubled look March clinged into my arms, "Don't be nervous! I'm here with you!"

I smiled at her and nodded, at least a bit I was reassured. With her reassurance I got a clear mind and I got an idea. "Oh-! You said you were find in ice... and you have ice power... why don't you try it?"


As we've arrived we told Fu Xuan about the ice idea as March's item in recollecting her memories and she agreed. I gave the metal butterfly clip on her and she directed me on the center of the Matrix core.

"Please be prepared. Not all memories are suitable for reawakening. People carry with them much pain and suffering." Being the Master Diviner herself all she can do before she help awaken their memories is gave an warning or precaution.

I took a deep breath and nodded at her, "I'm ready Lady Fu Xuan." After that I heard a a sound of mechanism and it was the Matrix core that it's starting to operate. After that it all blacked out.



(The Chapters ahead will cover (Y/N)'s past y'all will see this hearty square mark again after it was done so, this will be like a turn back time for better experience about her past! Enjoy!)


Darkness. That's what all I see but as I open my eyes there was a glimpse ray of light from afar, as I saw it I ran and ran getting closer to it, I smiled feeling that I can escape this void of darkness. I walked right in to their trap that's when I realized and my smile faded.

I feel looked down on their gaze the golden gaze looks no signs of empathy but full of cruelty... Destruction. This figure is familiar to me given that he's been appearing on my dreams because of his contract.

His eyes are the same as ever those golden eyes that is enough to make everyone surrender and shake from fear. His hair are white and his hair is long with many strands of braid. His skin is tan with his chest have a diagonal cut of something else. The light I saw earlier comes from his chest it was oddly like an golden liquid coming from it.

"(Y/N) I've given you time, but I am impatient. I'll give you one more time to decide carefully. Right here... Right now." His voice is full of authority as if he was looking down in his minions. "There's no way I'll leave my sister she's the only family I have!" I retorted.

"Leave your family and I will give you power. You will not be given just a path but also... share my power, be my Emanator (Y/N)." Right... his name is... Nanook the Aeon of Destruction. I clenched my fist... 'I don't need your power.' I raised my head to face his cruel gaze. "I apologize but I refuse."

Suddenly I woke up holding a metal butterfly clip that my sister gave me. "When is she coming back... It's late..." I sighed as I stare on the butterfly clip it was a matching pieces, she have an metalic butterfly attached on her coat while I use it as my hairpiece.

I grab my coat and decided to wait for her outside the door, it was an peaceful night and I enjoyed the night breeze that is hitting my face gently. "(Y/N)!!!" A sudden joyful voice greeted me that instantly put a smile on my face too.

 "(Y/N)!!!" A sudden joyful voice greeted me that instantly put a smile on my face too

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Author's Note:
Uhhh... If you saw the notification earlier... No you didn't😇 Another day another dumbness, I accidentally pressed it and anyway sorry for the chapter delay!!! I've been busy playing with our new baby dog. Funfact her name is Kokomi because... Idk my father knows Kokomi since she was my main. Our convo is like...

*Me thinking a cute name since my dad is not settling for Kirara (idk why he knows Kirara but he does)*
Me: What about 'Mitsuki'? (March)
Dad: No, You want Dan Heng?
Me: Yes, I want Dan Heng, but not for her name because she's a babygirl.

Then after some time I recommended my dad a name Kokomi and he finally settled for it... and my brother is calling her "Komi-san"

I actually written like 6 chapters ahead so the updates will be healthy this week.

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