51) Sword Practice

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Yanqing made a little tour around Xianzhou and we're currently in Aurum Valley to visit some stalls. Mostly of it are closed and there's only a countable stalls are open because of the Stellaron crisis.

'Where is he?... Is he okay?... Why I didn't crossed paths with him?'
"(Y/N)... Do you not like in the place?" I was spacing out thinking what is happening on his side and it took me long to respond to Yanqing who was calling out.

"Oh-! I really like this place... It's just I have something on my mind..." I reassured Yanqing who was looking at me worriedly. "Really? You're not really angry or scared of me?" He asked again with a shame on his face. "What you did this time happened to me before, I just give him a best slap in the world to satisfy myself." I said with a full spirit and lift up my fist in the air.

I looked downwards at Yanqing and instantly took back what I said. "Don't worry though! I won't slap you, you being here is enough to me, it brings a little bit peace of mind." Inside myself I was indeed scared, in the same time I'm not afraid at all it feels like I've already experienced this all... again and again.

"Miss (Y/N) do you know how to use swords? I may look like a child but I was trained by the General itself so I'm strong!" He suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me. "Where are we going?" I followed his footsteps as I run off with him until we arrived on one courtyard. "This is where General thought me how to weild sword with a thousand 'swoooshhhh'."

He handed me a small wooden sword  and challenged me. "Here I go!" I dashed to him with the sword on my side before clashing it against his which make his sword flew up in the air. Yanqing mouth was agaped after feeling his sword get out of his grip in hand. "Wow..."

"You did it on your first try!" Yanqing beamed with excitement as he picks up his sword again. "I underestimated you, I should give my all!" He continued, I decided to go easy on him and when he did manage to sent my sword flying his joy was priceless.

For a meantime I have calmed down my thoughts and since we're taking a break from a short sparring I started to sort out all of my thoughts in a right state of feelings and mind. Not until Yanqing came up to me as he asked very interested in my sword skills.

"Miss (Y/N) who was your teacher? They must be so good!" I looked down on the grass which is filled by fallen leaves and shaked my head. "I don't know... All of my past memories were gone like bubbles." Yanqing's face expression was written with confusion so I decided to change topic. "You're already good but there was lacking something... I hope you discover it sooner."

After a while I noticed Yanqing's eyes is on my Astral Express insignia, "Your badge is so cool! Like a luxurious ticket pass because of the gold colour." "I agree! I bursted in tears when I've received it. By the way you can visit the Parlor car when the crisis here is over." I invited Yanqing and nodded his head excitedly.

"It's exciting! Your friends must be good too knowingly that they help Xianzhou." I picked up one leaf and as I smile thinking of them. "They are... I wish I can spend my whole life with them." I said on a quiet voice having a warm feeling on my chest. "How many of you were traveling and who are they?" Yanqing excitedly followed up another question feeling curious on the express.

"We're 7 in the Express! The first one is our conductor named Pom-pom, my first impression is they're a stuff toy because it's so cute!"

"There's Himeko too, she's our Navigator, she's very reliable as a member a person full of passion, and she likes brewing coffee... A bitter coffee..."

"Mr. Welt Yang is one of the oldest like Himeko in the train but he's full of youth energy that you won't expect! Also seems a professional at my point of view. It's also cool when I learned that he's an animator!"

"March is my best friend! We took many pictures together and I displayed some in my room. We have similar experiences about memory loss so I guess there's time that she knows what I feel in a dark days..."

"According from them, Caelus was a new member before I aboard the Express, if I would describe him... He's cute like a racoon and unpredictable because when we have a mission in Jarilo-VI he was rummaging a trash cans. He's also a quiet one... I still hold his words in my heart that he will protect me no matter what."

"Dan Heng is the most mysterious of them all he's the guard and the archivist of the Express according to Himeko. He's kind and despite his mysterious figure there's time when I feel like his showing his emotions when he's with me... That I wish that it was only for me to see. He's the reason why I'm here at Xianzhou because I followed him, I won't be in peace if I didn't ensured his safety. He's also a bookworm and managed our data bank it's where he add information in the archives."

"I wish I can show you a picture but I think my phone is broke-" I felt his head landed on my arm and heard his soft snores. The Yanqing that I thought who was listening attentively is now peacefully sleeping. 'Did I talk too much? Or was it boring?' I thought inside my head as I leaned against the wall before I feel my eye lids slowly closing and dozed off.

 'Did I talk too much? Or was it boring?' I thought inside my head as I leaned against the wall before I feel my eye lids slowly closing and dozed off

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Author's Note:
Yayyy! Penacony update! The yay was faked though because of the rerun banners (cries in f2p who wants IL Dan Heng and Jingyuan😢). All in all I think the story is gonna be amazing just by seeing the White Night trailer, Firefly is so mysterious but so many interactions with the trailblazer. To those who wants Black Swan and Sparkle goodluckiee. (Also I'm preparing for a long chapter of my Valentine's day Special so I hope y'all like it🤧).

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