29) Over

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Caelus ran towards to the robots arm and headed to the top where Cocolia is but it's not as fast and easy to do. Caelus was fast enough to dodge every attack of a monster but how about many of them. Thankfully Bronya covered him up and shoot them one by one.

The robot was once awaken again as it's eyes suddenly lit up and slowly started to move again. When it's started to rise Caelus almost fell over but Seele instantly catches him by hand and throws him higher up. He ran and he ran because of the hand of the robot was about to catch him.

My hand was shaking watching Caelus as he ran to Cocolia and defeat her... It was way too risky, but all I can do is hope for his safety.

He finally reached the top and fight with Cocolia, it was getting well until... The icy weapon that Cocolia had hitted right into his right chest...

We are all shocked as I see his body and weapon fall but he suddenly disappear into thin air. Drive by my emotion I snapped my finger and a big ball of fire hits to Cocolia breaking her ice shields.

"Damn you Stellaron hunter!" Cocolia cursed but before she can do her revenge by throwing a big rock with a power of Stellaron Caelus comes back from the middle of the air with a fire weapon same like with Cocolia.

"N-no... That can't... be." Cocolia was in disbelief seeing the fire weapon on Caelus hands and the giant robot switching allies siding our group. "The will of Preservation has made it's choice." Bronya said and now the power that Cocolia relies on are the Stellaron since the giant robot is at our hands now.


Cocolia was defeated as she dropped on the ground engulfing the Stellaron. "The Stellaron... Promised us the future... It will engulf everything!" The Stellaron was too much and Bronya rushed up to save Cocolia. "Let me go! I... I have to get her." Seele is pulling her to stop. As the Stellaron was engulfing Cocolia she was surrounded by a shield, not minute had passed the Stellaron with her body become a beautiful aurora in the sky of Belobog...

Bronya dropped at her knees and tear up seeing the her mother who raised her up, who treated her like it's own daughter... Died infront of her...

Dan Heng put me down for a moment but still assist me when he contacted Welt and Himeko to seal the Stellaron. March looked up in the sky and sighed in relief. "What a tough trailblazing expedition we have! The crisis on this world is basically over, right?" March turned her head to Dan Heng but he didn't speak for a second before he looked up in the sky too.

"The storm rages on... Now that the Stellaron is sealed, the Eternal Freeze will slowly recede. The Fragmentum won't aggressively expand anymore, but nor will it disappear. Jarilo-VI has a chance to return to life, but it will take time..." He then turned his head to Bronya as he continue, "It will depend on the efforts of the people here."

I looked up in the sky too as I admire the beautiful aurora that formed after Cocolia's death because of the Stellaron... It made me feel sad for Bronya losing her mother... I somehow felt her pain. Bronya suddenly turned her head to us as she spoke. "Thank you everyone for your help... There are so many questions to answer, so many truths to reveal. I don't know whether I can get the people to accept all this..." "Don't push yourself too hard Bronya..." I give her an assuring smile and reached for her hands to hold it.

"Now I must take over the duties of the supreme guardian... and discard my naive fantasies. For many people, mother was an outstanding guardian... The whole truth will live on in my mind all the mistakes, madness, evil, and dreams therein... I will be the one to carry that burden." Seele walk to her and stand by her side, they exchanged soft smiles to each other. "Well then, as promised, let's start rebuilding the bridge between the Overworld and the Underworld."

With that the cold breeze somehow feels a bit warmer in their hearts as the new beginning of rebuilding Belobog is now at Bronya's hands.

With that the cold breeze somehow feels a bit warmer in their hearts as the new beginning of rebuilding Belobog is now at Bronya's hands

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