11) Regret?

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Third Person PoV:

Dan Heng's grip on his polearm tightened after (Y/N) leaves and face palmed. "I messed up..." As he was about to look out for her, a loud ringtone from a phone catching his attention. It was (Y/N)'s phone on the ground.

Incoming call:

            Decline                        Accept

Dan Heng accepted the call but before he can speak, Caelus voice from the other end of the phone was full of worry when he talks.

"(Y/N)?! You finally answered my call! Are you okay!? Is everything good!? Tell me where you are I'll find you!"

Dan Heng was silent after hearing how worried Caelus was for (Y/N), he finally responded to Caelus, his voice sounded as he was consumed by a fathomless gloom. "This is Dan Heng... Something came up with her, let's regroup at Natasha's clinic first."


Caelus was lost at words and clenched his fist tightly after hearing what happened between (Y/N) and Dan Heng back at the basement. "Dan Heng... You-!" Caelus was furious but just sighed trying to avoid any conflicts. "Forget it... For now let's just look for her... We are all new in this place, she might be in danger."

"Why you guys trust her so much? She might be a threat to us and even use us to get closer to the Stellaron." Dan Heng was completely calm despite the situation. "Dan Heng... Seriously what's wrong with your emotional intelligence... I really doubt that she's using us. Do you even know how hard to have a memory loss? You may feel alive but you know something is missing but you can't exactly put a finger to it!" March 7th is getting mad too because of Dan Heng's sudden doubts.

"Besides, Mr. Yang observed her before going back again here at Belobog because of our trailblaze mission, he said that she was showing symptoms of anxiety because of her memory loss."

After hearing March's word Dan Heng suddenly feel guilty about talking so mean about (Y/N). He remembered how adorable she is when she looks so innocent about some stuffs and mostly the one who made his heart beat fast when he saw the wallpaper on (Y/N)'s phone...

The picture of them together when he gave the phone to her. Dan Heng fell silent after he overthinks about the things he could've said to her back in the basement... He realizes that he doesn't even asked her about her well being... After being locked out in that basement it must've been tough being chained and not being able to speak or even see anything. On the other hand he realizes how Caelus was so worried about her, how Caelus gaze at her is so different...

"I messed up so badly (Y/N), I'm sorry." Dan Heng only kept his thoughts in his mind as he reflected in his actions and regretted it so badly.

" Dan Heng only kept his thoughts in his mind as he reflected in his actions and regretted it so badly

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