57) Strange

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We headed to an inn in Exalting Sanctum for rest after an entire long day, despite March having her own room she decided to stay with me in my room and hugged each other while we slept.


The General have his words to us so we are still staying here in Xianzhou while we wait for him to recover after his fight with Phantylia, now that the morning has passed Dan Heng is nowhere to be seen. He haven't talked to me since then, seeing my troubled face Mr. Yang assured me, "He left early to meet Ms. Healer lady, Bailu. They need to talk some matters about the Ambrosial Arbor... But he said that he won't take much time because it's just a meeting, Look he's here."

As I looked around I saw Dan Heng walking towards us but he returned on his knowed form, his hair is short now and the horns are gone too. Our eyes met for a short time and I instantly looked away as I go back inside the inn.

March and Caelus was waiting for me before she dragged me again outside, "Let's go out!" Mr. Yang and Dan Heng is still talking outside and successfully we bypassed them, I know it myself I can't still face Dan Heng after what happened.

I can still feel my face heat up remembering the kiss as if it just happened minutes ago. "Do you have a fever? You're a bit red." Caelus estimately measured my temperature by the back of his hand to my forehead. "I'm fine!" I blushed more that he pointed it out and shaked my head. "You've been like that since yesterday, did something happened?" March asked me worriedly.

"Let's have some breakfast before heading to own agendas." Welt and Dan Heng been following us all along as we stopped in an restaurant. I feel so awkward as me and Dan Heng sitting next to each other.

"Do you have plans (Y/N)?" March asked me and I think for a moment to respond to her. "I think I need to repair my phone or I think I need to buy one." I bring out my cracked phone on the table for Mr. Yang to checked it. "A monster stepped on it when I accidentally dropped it."

"This seems really broken..." Caelus leaned over to Welt who was checking my phone. "It's a shame..." Welt returned the phone to me and we continue eating, suddenly Dan Heng and my elbow touched that made me accidentally dropped my utensil. "Ah- I'm sor-" this time our hand touches as we were about to picked up my dropped utensil. Thankfully he retracted his hand and let me act on my own.

March 7th's PoV:

'Seriously... (Y/N)'s been acting strange since yesterday. Did these two fought again? but it doesn't seems like it because (Y/N) is like... how do I put it... flustered?' "You've been staring at (Y/N) the food will be cold." Caelus whispered at me and tilted my head trying to put a finger what is happening between these two.

"Do you think that those two fought again?" I whispered back at Caelus, "Hmmm... Maybe? (Y/N)'s been acting strange since yesterday." We've tried to keep our voices down but our little inaudible noises is bothering Mr. Yang who just want to eat his food. "What are you two whispering about? Eat your food before it gets cold."


(Y/N)'s PoV:

The entire day I was outside with March and Caelus walking around in Starskiff Haven and Exalting Sanctum probably March have already a hundred picture of us. "It's a shame that we're not complete here like the one we have in Jarilo-VI."

Currently I'm at March's room at the inn and out of nowhere she suddenly laughs making my heart jump out of surprise. "hahahahaha look at you!" It seems that March just finished transferring the photo from her camera to her phone, "March! delete that!" I'm glaring at her seeing the picture of me with a funny face after Caelus made me drink a Mung soda as we rest near a vending machine earlier.

"Ughhh, Seeing that can makes me remember what it tastes like but still... Delete that!" Then I make a move to steal March's phone on her hand to delete the picture but she was fast. A sudden notification make us stop from getting the phone on her hands, "It's Dan Heng. He said he'll check your phone." I left March's room and came back again with my broken phone in my hand. "Give it to him."

"Huh? his room is literally infront of my door outside." I pushed it to her hand and shaked my head. "Give it to him." I repeated "Why?" March still didn't accept the phone that I was giving to her so I forcely opened her palm and place my phone there. "Give it to him... please..." "Tell me first, Why? Did you two fought?" I shaked my head with a heads down.

"Then?" I didn't respond to her and suddenly she stands up, "You better tell me soon when you're ready." With that she left her room and gave my phone to Dan Heng. After she came back I head in my room because this time we'll be sleeping in our own rooms now.

Author's Note:Yeah I'm so dumb I forgot to publish it yesterday but yeah 😭✊ I've been attacked by headache since yesterday, well it's normal for me after school but it just hurt so much that I needed to take medicine

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Author's Note:
Yeah I'm so dumb I forgot to publish it yesterday but yeah 😭✊ I've been attacked by headache since yesterday, well it's normal for me after school but it just hurt so much that I needed to take medicine.

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