14) Wildfire

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Svarog an High Intelligence robot and his predicament in the Overworld Belobog. He won't sway in human emotions but only believe in his logical 'Calculations'.

Wildfire the peace-keeping faction in Belobog's Underworld. Natasha as the leader of Wildfire, she introduced us to Oleg, the acting boss of Wildfire since she is busy managing her own clinic.


"But things have changed your arrival constitutes an 'external variable' for Svarog. I may not have the full picture, but perhaps you guys have an opportunity to sway him." Oleg's attention turned towards us four as he spoke.


Currently we're heading to Svarog's lair with Seele and Bronya, as we are walking we saw a big monster in a verge of attacking a little girl who has a white hair and walking on her bare foot. Bronya tried to protect her and as the monster was about to fire an attack my hand immediately summon a big fire, it launched to the monster and without a second it turned into ashes.

The little girl is named Clara. According to Seele, Clara is a family to Svarog but it's not so easy to convince her. Wildfire and Svarog had a conflict in managing to underwold. Clara just don't want anyone to get hurt so she made up her mind to not let us meet Svarog face to face.

Even so we still try and reached the border in Svarog's lair, as assigned guide we were really not expecting... "Pitch-Dark Hook the Great, as The Moles being part of the Wildfire I'm assigned by..." Hook didn't continue her words and scratched her head. "Hook... You... You didn't ran away from Nat, don't you?" Seele crossed her arms as she ask Hook. "I overheard what you all discussing with boss Oleg so I thought I can help, don't worry, Clara is my friend so I know a thing or two inside the base!" Hook puts her hand on her hips and raises her chin as an acknowledgement for herself.


Svarog's base is full of robots and there's many homeless vagrants setting up a place around it. Although Svarog's doesn't like humans except Clara, he doesn't harm anyone without a reason. As we were walking on the snowy road to Svarog's lair, Caelus holds my hands and whispered quitely in my ears so no one would notice. "I just need a bit warmth so I want to borrow from yours if it's okay, just shake your hand if you're uncomfortable."

I turned away from him with reddened ears and squeeze his hands gently to indicate that it's fine. After the incident me and Dan Heng didn't talk to each other only March 7th, Caelus, and Bronya is I am close to. Bronya have her doubts about my condition of memory loss but it seems she understood my shoes and we unexpectedly became friends.


We were stopped by a big gate infront of us and March 7th go infront as she says with a cheerful voice. "OPEEEN SESAMEEE~!" The door obviously didn't open and Dan Heng sighed heavily at her childish approach. "Miss March... What was that?" Hook looks completely clueless about March 7th approach on the gate before Hook even explained on how to open it.

 What was that?" Hook looks completely clueless about March 7th approach on the gate before Hook even explained on how to open it

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