65) Cautious?

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(Y/N)'s PoV:

It's another fresh morning has arrived and the first thing greeted me and March was Pom-pom's scolding voice. "You two! we were calling you since earlier! I already prepared the breakfast and you two is still sleeping there like it's still midnight!"

March and I sluggishly stood up from the bed to freshen ourselves. "Yes yes captain Pom-pom we're getting up." March 7th said as she yawns... Truth to be told we stayed up late at night as I convince her to help me.

Last Night:

"Ugh forget it." March 7th let out and exaggerated sighed as if she was teaching an adult with an question "1+1" repeatedly. I don't want to waste an opportunity how to learn to confess in one person so I convinced her to help me.

"I'll try the direct confession... my hand writing sucks..." I said with a small voice ashamed. Her eyes sparkles and instantly she grabbed a book and snatched the pen I was holding when she gave me an pen and paper earlier. She once again cleared her throat and spoke up, "1,2,3, go!"

Her attention is suddenly went to the book and her gaze switched to me, "(Y/N)? what's up?" "Pfft-" I tried to hold in my laughter but it can't be helped since it still escaped my mouth. "March! pfft- what- what was that! hahahahaha!" March pouted at me but who can blame me, her trying to act like Dan Heng sounds so wrong and funny at the same time, including how she impersonate his voice.

With a pout March put down the book at her desk and crossed her arms at me. "Here I was trying to help you and you're just gonna laugh at me?!" I get the book again and gave it to her as I continue to laugh. "I'm sorry! It's just pfft- so... funny." she didn't accept the book that I was giving to her as she continued to pout, "I'll not do practice with you! hmph!"

"Please?! please, please, please, please pweeasseee?!" I said so cheekily trying to convince her. March once again hyped and get the book from my hands, "You better not laugh at me this time!"


As we entered the kitchen I blushed seeing him, more importantly he is sitting beside where I'm supposed to seat. "Good morning March and (Y/N)." Welt said with a gentle smile towards us and we greeted him back, same with Himeko. "Good morning (Y/N) and March." Dan Heng looked up from his notebook as he places his pen and notebook beside him. I froze hearing my name coming out from his mouth and I instantly looked away from him. "Good morning Dan Heng!" March said on a cheery voice before she nudge me and whispered, "Are you not gonna greet him?"

"Good morning you two!" Caelus voice was suddenly heard from behind, he was smiling but then again his eyes are puffy. "Your eyes... Are you really okay?" I raised my hand as I was about to check it but he avoided my hand as he tilted his head to the side which suddenly confuses me, Seeing my worried face March patted me on my shoulder, "Don't worry about him (Y/N) he just confessed to someone and he got rejected."

"Ooohhh! That's sad..." I was amazed that he confessed but at the same time It's sad that he got rejected, it didn't help but increase my nervousness. As we sat on the table I haven't talk or take a glimpse of Dan Heng who was beside me all the time as we talk to Caelus. "So who is the lucky girl? Maybe she really likes you, she's just hiding it." I asked Caelus who just smiled at me and shaked his head. "Ahem! I must remind you (Y/N) that your punishment will continue today... and you have an extension!" Pom-pom suddenly interrupted us making my jaw drop. "O-okay..."

3rd Person PoV:

Dan Heng was alone at his room / archives updating the data bank as he continues to type and suddenly he heard a knock. "Come in." he said completely not taking off his eyes on the device. "Oh? you're busy updating?" Caelus walks in as he investigate what he is doing. "I can do it later. Do you have something to look into?" Caelus shakes his head as he sat down on his flooring, there's an awkward silence before Caelus spoke again. "Do... you like her?" Dan Heng's hand halted after hearing his question before he continued pretending he didn't heard it.

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