91) I like you!

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"Congratulations in your recovery (Y/N)." Elio said as he greeted me after we came from the hospital but still I'm wearing arm sling for support.

He was with Silverwolf since she wanted to pull an allnighter for her game to take back all the things she missed when I forced her to stay all night in hospital after she scared me with all of her 'made up' stories.

I used to be alone whenever my sister have her mission because mostly I ate is Firefly's cooking where she prepare it at the headquarters. At time like this I always call for a nurse as I study in the library, and that's when I always feel the weird feeling of being watched - as if someone is piercing their intimidating gaze on me, that's when I start to wonder... 'Did I offend someone here?'


"Where's... Blade?" I hesitantly asked Elio as I look around.

"Probably in his room or training room." Silverwolf shrugged and blow up her gum. "By the way I pulled double five star in your acc."

My ears perked up after hearing Silverwolf's word and beamed at her, "Really?! Who?"

Out of a sudden she smirked and showed me screenshot of the pull which make my face pale... A double Qiqi... she pulled 10 pulls in standard banner, Seriously?!

"What the hell?! C'mon! That made her C6!"


Later on I sneakily walked up and leaned closer to put my ears on Blade's door to feel if he's there... I somehow want... no... I need to see him... even just a glimpse of him. Maybe it was just too quiet or there's no person inside since I don't hear or feel any presence inside the room.

"Move." I shivered and jumped out after hearing a familiar deep threatening voice behind me, it's him... The face I've been looking for since I was stuck at the hospital.

"H-hey-" before I can even finish to greet him he entered his room and slammed it loudly as he completely shutted me off.

I sighed heavily and decided to go in my own room to rest, I take off the support that is on my arm and lay carefully without getting it hurt. 4 hours after my sleep it's time to have a dinner as my sister woke me up.

Elio, Silverwolf, and Firefly are already in the kitchen as me and my sister arrived. Right in time that Blade entered the kitchen too, our eyes met for a moment and decided to leave the kitchen without saying a word.

'Is he avoiding me?' I thought inside of my head and I can't help but feel sad.


The next day I was about to go to the training room hoping to find him there but right after I left my room I already saw My sister, Blade, and Firefly that is preparing to go in a mission.

It's been whole 3 weeks that I haven't seen him and now he's completely avoiding me after what happened... Is he mad? In reality I should have that right... Why do I keep approaching him. How long is this gonna last....

I was with Silverwolf the whole day watching her piloting my accounts, "What's wrong?" She asked me with smirk as she just finished fighting a cryo regisvine.

She thought that I was bothered that she started farming the ascension material for my C6 Qiqi but no... That's not what I am bothered.

I sighed heavily and gently laid down on her bed, "Why does he despise me so much... he's not like that to my sister. If only! If only he's nice then I would fall in love more with him. Like I would be head over heels for him."

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