05) Short Tour

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Gepard was nice enough to briefly explained around the city but since he was a Captain of the silvermane guards he have no time to personally tour us around the city.

March 7th hold out her camera as she goes infront of the big ice carved statue in the middle of the city. The Everwinter Monument, according to Gepard is is the symbolic landmark of Belobog featuring it's large iced carve like statue. "Let's take a picture everyone!" All of us coincidentally use a peace sign as we pose together on the camera, I giggled looking at the picture of us after she snaps it. "We all look cute in here!"

Next stop was the Neverwinter Workshop, as Gepard says if we're lucky enough we might catch a live performance infront of it but it seems like luck is not on our side to not see a performance. "Darn, I wanna see one." March 7th added with a disappointed voice before all of our attention focused on the heater.

"Normally you would want a heater INSIDE of your building right? it's so weird that it was outside of the building- wait a minute! Caelus is missing again?!" As March 7th talked she noticed that Caelus was not together with us, Dan Heng sighed heavily as thought of searching Caelus again. I wandered around in the city to look for him and see him at the alley rummaging the trash can again...

"What are you doing?" I crouched beside Caelus and asked him curiously. "Well check this out, isn't this trash can is so pretty? It's so sturdy and the rust around it gives a classical vibe." I laughed at how he described the trash can and patted his shoulder. "You have a keen eye!" March 7th suddenly snaps another picture while me and Caelus are laughing together about the trash can, while Dan Heng was on the side face palming at the sight.

"I'm getting hungry, let's go and find something to eat!" March 7th keep away her camera after she spoke and the four of us went to the hotel to rest and eat, after eating together we all decided to rest inside our room to prepare tomorrow to seal the Stellaron as we agreed with the Supreme Guardian.

Alone inside my room I laid down on the soft mattress and suddenly remembered... "His coat... It smelled so good... Like him, I want to borrow it again-" My cheeks suddenly heated up at the thought same with my heart beating faster. "W-what am I thinking about!"

I hide under the blanket to distract myself about thinking him, suddenly someone knocked at my door almost making my heart to jump out. I opened the door and speak of the devil it was Dan Heng! After seeing him I was blushing like a mess.

I instantly closed my door not even letting him speak. He was confused and sighed before knocking at the door again. "Open the door, I need to give you something." I calm myself first before opening the door at him.

"Himeko tasked me to give this to you but I forgot to give it to you right away, I'm sorry." He held out his hand with a phone. "I can have this?" I only looked at the phone at his hands and he only nodded, I gladly accepted it and take it from his hands.

"Ohhhh! Thank you! This thing can be used at taking pictures too right? Let's take a picture!" I opened the camera app, suddenly I felt him leaning closer to me so we can fit together in the screen and saw at the reflection of the camera that he is so close to me making my hand shake from all of the butterflies I'm feeling inside my stomach.

"The picture will come out blurry if your hand shakes like that." He then placed his hand on my hands that was holding the camera to make it stable. He snaps the picture and it turned out that I'm looking away with reddened cheeks and his mouth is slightly curved upwards but it's not that visible, while our face is nearly touching each other.

After taking one picture he leaves my room with me blushing as I stare at our picture together in my phone... My first memories with him...

 My first memories with him

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